Noel Hynd


Culver City, CA

United States

Profile Information:

New York
About Me:
Author of 18 published books, most recently "The Enemy Within," a Tor/Forge mass market release August 2008.........I've been translated into 7 langauges and have sold about 4,000,000 books around the world........Why then, have you possibly not heard of me?

From 1975 until 1999 I had a large number of books published by Doubleday, Dial, Dell, Kensington and Bantam. Then I hit one of those mid-life things. Divorce, illness, relocation (to California), work in films (not the worst thing) and a protracted battled with my previous publisher (Kensington.) All that is now done, finito, finished. "The Enemy Within," my first espionage/action/suspense thriller since 1992 (GASP!) will be out in late July. Then I have a new series from Zondervan/HarperCollins, starting in the fall. First title, "Conspiracy in Kiev."

Zondervan is already the best publisher I've ever had and I have an A-plus editor there. I look forward to great things....
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
LeCarre, Ludlum, Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Hemingway......
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The ones my friends are in or work on.

New York Yankees baseball.

Comment Wall:

  • Eric Stone

    Hi Noel, Thanks for the add. Hope to run into you sometime before too long since we're both in L.A.
  • carole gill

    Love the picketing (sp)!
    Absolutely right or as they say in this neck of the woods: "spot on!"
    and again, thanks so much for replying to my discussion!
  • Ovidia

    thanks for being friends! Wow, I'm very impressed by the number of books you've written--I'm still working on my 3rd after a long break in theatre.

    Will be looking out for your books in bookshops here now!
  • Maggie Bishop

    Hello Noel, I'd love to have such an accomplished author as a friend. Thanks for the connection.
  • L.J. Sellers

    Nice to meet you Noel. Thanks for the add.
  • Kandy Williams

    Hi Noel. Thanks for the invite. What a good lookin' bookshelf!! Congrats on your success and productivity, and keep those works coming!
  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks for the friend add Noel.

    Nice to meet you.

  • Pearce

    believe it or not, i've heard your name before :)
  • Liam

    Welcome to the fold Noel.

    Who's your agent? Taking on new clients? I'm looking for a good one who knows/understands the sort of crime fiction I write.
  • Liam

    That's no good. I've had a hard time finding a good publisher without an agent. Just seems agent is the way to go, but I could be wrong. How is it working directly with a publisher?
  • Noel Hynd

    Well, it's been fine in this unusual case. Normally one needs an agent, I freely admit. I've had agents from 1975 until 2006 and I STILL have an agent for scripts and who reps the movie rights for me. It's late her in California right now, but in the next day or so I'll post a few hints on how to entice and agent or publisher. Probably things you already know. But I'll put them up, anyway.
  • Phillipa Martin (PD Martin)

    Thanks for the friend add, Noel. Wow, that's a lot of books, a lot of languages and a lot of sales! Congrats! And glad you're with a good publishers now. I'm only up to three books and three languages - and that's counting English (ha, ha)!
  • Jack Green


    Thanks for adding me to your list of friends.
    I'll head out and grab one of your books for a read. Great All- star game at Yankee stadium last night. J.D. Drew the MVP? Even though I'm a big Sox fan I would have given it to Mariano. They'll never be able to replace that park. The greatest franchise in the history of sports. That said, the Sox have a better team this year and should win the World Series, although repeating is the toughest thing in sports. Jack