Carola Dunn

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a mystery author with 17 Daisy Dalrymple mysteries (set in England in the 1920s) published and another one the way. I've also written over 30 Regencies. I was born and grew up in England but now live in Oregon.

The next Daisy mystery, Black Ship, will be out in September from St Martin's Minotaur in the US and Constable & Robinson in the UK. The 16th Daisy mystery in hardback is THE BLOODY TOWER set at the Tower of London. It will be out in paperback next February.

My Regencies are out of print now but mostly available as ebooks at

I recently finished writing my 50th book, the first in a new mystery series set in Cornwall in the 1960-70s. MANNA FROM HADES will be published in March 2009. And I have contracts lined up for a second in the Cornish series and two more Daisy mysteries. I'm going to be glued to my computer for the next couple of years!
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
I read loads of mysteries, especially British cosies, as well as general fiction and popular science. For research I read history and all sorts of other nonfiction. The two authors I reread over and over again as the years pass are Jane Austen and Tolkien.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
I don't own a TV and rarely go to movies. When I read about a movie I like the look of, it's usually left the cinema before I get around to going. The last movie I watched was The Golden Compass--It made me want to read the book. The previous one was Being Jane, which I enjoyed though doubting it had much to do with the real Jane Austen. My son is recording for me the JA shows currently on PBS--I can watch them on my computer, some evening when I haven't already spent all day staring at the screen.

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  • Carola Dunn

    5 months of spring is one of the best things about Eugene. I'm looking out at plum and cherry blossom, tulips, daffodils, forsythia, rhodies ,bleeding hearts, grape hyacinths, primroses, wallflowers and of course the ubiquitous dandelions and daisies.
  • carole gill

    No used to be up there!
    Lake District--but I've lived in West Yorkshire for the past six years. Remarried here.
    You must be so proud of your niece! That was some hit. Zoe Wannamaker (Sam W's) daughter directed.
    I did see a review and they said it was mesmerizing (sp).
    When I lived in Lancaster, there was the Duke's Playhouse I used to go to alot and it was convenient for writing venues--much more so than where I live now. Semi Rural Yorkshire, know what I mean?!
    But fate reigned me in I suppose (although happily married) and focused me on writing seriously so I am!
    Thanks Carola. I hope you get to see your niece in that show. Perhaps it will go on tour.
  • Tatjana Kruse

    Thanks, Carola. Aufbau seems no longer interested, but we have lots of publishing houses in Germany. I'm hopeful.