
, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Maryland, near DC
About Me:
I am an emerging writer living in the Rockies of Colorado. I have had a short story, Tethering The Bait, published in Short & Twisted, an anthology from Celepene Press in Melbourne, Australia. I also have another short, Sweetening the Pot, which will be coming out in the January 2008 issue of Spinetingler Magazine. My Flash story, Sunshine On Their Shoulders was published on October 31, 2007 in Flash Me Magazine.
I am married, have an adult son, 3 dogs. The son chooses to live in town, which probably has saved his sanity!

I'm an unrepentant Democrat.

A wine and Scotch drinker in moderation.

Reading was, and still is, my first passion. I am never without 2 or 3 books at a time. Now add my ever present notebook, an atlas, a Thesaurus and my Websters and it explains why I have a torn rotator cuff in my shoulder. I see a laptop in my near future.

Am delighted to be here and have assigned myself the daunting task of reading each entry in each discussion on this forum.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Too many to mention and way too many more to discover.

Anything by Austen, The Scottish and Hibernian Noir crowd, hell, anything that catches my eye and grabs my attention through the first chapter.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The Usual Suspects, Boondock Saints, Flesh and the Devil, M, The Philidelphia Story, The Maltese Falcon, White Heat, Key Largo, Gaslight. Anything along those veins.

Dexter, Rome, The Sopranos, 24, Wire In The Blood, all the BBC mystery and Crime series.

Comment Wall:

  • DADavenport

    Looking forward to becoming one of the Barflys here. I've been enjoying catching up on the Forum and with all the blogs. I plan on having some fun and hopefully learning a few things along the way! Thanks for the great site, Daniel.
  • Daniel Hatadi

    Glad you like the place, DA. I've cleaned up your multiple postings. Unfortunately, I'm still working on getting a member's help page together, as Ning doesn't have a default one for everyone as yet.

    In the meantime, I say try anything. You can't break it. :)
  • DADavenport

    Thanks, Daniel! It's terrific being here. I think you've created a wonderful space for everyone in the Crime/Mystery/Thriller community. I recognized a lot of talent here as I scanned the members list.
  • DADavenport

    I'm getting friend requests. I spotted them on my gmail and clicked to accept but see no changes here. Am I doing it wrong? What is the procedure? I'm not ignoring anyone, after all a girl needs all the friends she can get, but I can't figure out how to RSVP
  • Sandra Ruttan

    That's weird - try clicking accept again. Sometimes Ning is a bit wiggy, but it usually works after a few seconds.

    Technosnafus can be a real pain in the butt. If it doesn't work, tell me. I'll try withdrawing my friend request and then resending it, and see if it works then.
  • DADavenport

    I think I need to update my system. My home computer died and I replaced it with my business computer, but it is not a fully supportrd version of MSN and simply will not do certain things. I have a Gmail, for instance but it will not allow me to utilize all it offers. So, I'm off to get advice from a programmer this week and hope to update this dinosaur soon.

    In the mean time, thanks for the suggestion, Sandra. I appreciate it. And to everyone offering friendship...I DO accept! I just can't do it officially right now.
  • Sean Chercover

    The 9mm is an inferior round. I recommend avoiding the 9 and going with the .40, or my personal fave, the .45.
  • carole gill

    Hello DADavenport. Can't read too much--besides. don't you know there's a hurricane coming and Johnny Rocco wants us to close the hotel? unrepentent democrat?! good for you! Now don't let Cody know, but he's not gonna be on top of the world for long!
  • DADavenport

    Wonderful! Joined Mozilla and was immediately supported. Have finally be able to accept all friendship requests and hope you all got them!
  • Rose Mercer

    Tks darling Deb... I'm very confused about this place still but should spend some time becoming familiar. Right now I'm back on the wip so... you understand! LOL. Hugs.
  • DADavenport

    Sure do. How's the piece going for S&T?

    Just wander. The forums are broken down into categories and the latest 3-4 of each show. But press view all and you can scan tons of topics. Same with the blogs. It is a great place for learning about everything crime writing. Cool input from a lot of very focused and motivated people.

    See ya, wild Aussie Woman!
  • Rose Mercer

    Tks for asking - it's done and sent! I was working on a "strange" poem too but missed the deadline for that. Never mind - I'm a terrible poet!
  • Rose Mercer

    Great to hear that Deb. Much success, as always! I think Celapene will be in touch by the end of the year so we'll see. Gourmet story... LOL, you dag!
  • Daniel Hatadi

    Hey, you finally got a picture up! Nice to see you.