How many of you are going to Denver for LCC? Love to meet any and all.
I will be doing a panel on Friday, re: hard-boiled fiction.
Ed Goldberg

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Me! Me! Me! And very excited about it i am too :o)
I'll be there!
Hi Ed,
I'll be there, too. My panel is also on Friday - at 11, on Sex and Violence. Wonder why they left out the dope?
An oversight, I'm sure. Maybe they plan to supply it at the panel.
I'll be there - and will be on a panel that Mark Coggins is moderating on PIs in the 21st century on Thursday afternoon. It will be good to see you all.
Me, Too!
I'll be there, but probably only for the Saturday and Sunday so I'll miss your panel, Ed. I do hope to get my copy of Go To Helena Handbasket autographed by the fabulous Ms Donna Moore.

- Christa
LOL Christa - then I hope you like hugs :o)

I'm not on any panels as that's not my idea of fun :o) I prefer to be the non scary side of the arrangement! But i am SURE we will bump into each other. And that goes for any crimespacers - if you see me, do please say hi!
I'll be there--in spades! Most importantly, I'm in charge of getting food & beverages for the Sisters in Crime hospitality suite, which will be in the Tower Exhibit Area by the conference registration desk. Stop by on Friday or Saturday for a snack and a chat! Also, I'll be pitching A REAL BASKET CASE at the New Author's Breakfast, sitting on the "What’s Age Got To Do With It?" panel first thing Saturday morning, and moderating the "Beyond Agatha Christie: The traditional mystery today" panel on Sunday morning. I also have a killer outfit for the Hawaiian fashion contest!
Hey, Ed! I'm going. I hope your panel isn't at the same time as mine. I'm on the historical mystery panel on Friday, "The Good Old Days: Writing About the Past." I wanted to be on a hard-boiled panel as well since I have a hard-boiled detective in my medieval noir, but we do have to be nice kids and share. :) See you there!
Although I'm nervous about the cold weather in Denver in March (I'm a Floridian, after all) I am looking forward to LCC. I ended up on two panels, one on the differences between male & female writers, and one on how non-police folks do police research.

I will definitely stop by the SinC snack tables -- and since I write a series set in Hawaii it's almost required that I enter the Hawaiian shirt contest.
I'm there!

I'm volunteering, plus I'll be on a panel on Sunday (the one on suspense writing). Looking forward to meeting everyone--come over and say hi if you see me. I'll be the one hanging out at the snack table :-)))


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