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I second that!! Come Closer is good stuff!
You'll love GUN MONKEYS. It's a really great book, and has one of my favourite first lines of all time.
In a book full of great lines, that opening sentence is probably the best. GUN MONKEYS is one of my all-time favorite books.
Yeah, the hubster had to read the opening line to me, then went on & on about the laundromat scene & then...I told him to shut up so I could read it for myself.

Had to laugh - he had to go to NYC & I insisted he check out Mysterious. He didn't realize until he got home that the copy of GUN MONKEYS he'd picked up was signed. He didn't care much until he read it!
Currently reading. HIDDEN DEPTHS - Ann Cleeves. Third in the Vera Stanhope series.
A boy found strangled to death in his bath, the water scattered with flowers. About 10 days later another body, that of a student teacher is found floating in a rockpool with flowers strewn on the water. Stanhope is trying to find a connection between the two victims that will leads to the identity of the killer.
In the words of Mr Burns . Egg-selent.
Am currently reading "The Interpretation of Murder" which is utterly wonderful! I'm hooked! It's very cleverly written.

(But I must admit to having to abandon Ken Bruen's "Priest", as I just couldn't hack it - sorry!!)

What couldn't you take about Priest?
You don't have to apologize, Anne! Still, I'm curious what made you put it down, too. Yeah, I'm an enormous Bruen fan, but I don't expect everyone to love his work (even though they should). No, seriously, what was it? Inquiring minds wanna know.
I think I just found it so jagged that I didn't really know what was going on, and I didn't care enough about the characters to find out. It was quite irritating. I think my husband got on better with it though!


My time is currently consumed by OUT OF THE GUTTER and MURDALAND, both of which have contributions from some of our crime buddies here. I haven't finished either, yet, but I can tell you that they are wonderful chocolate boxes full of spiky little pleasures, and they are both highly recommended. Meanwhile, I'm adding stuff mentioned here to my already ridiculously long list of things to buy...
I am suffering. I started Ken Bruen's Priest because every crime writer I've met in the last two months says I should, and I loved the first few pages, but my wife just finished "The Watchman" by Robert Crais, who is one of my favorites, so I read the first page of that and am now HOOKED on TWO BOOKS at the same time. Yesterday, I couldn't read either one because I felt guilty about the other.
I'm reading BENEATH A PANAMANIAN MOON by Crimespace's own David Terrenoireat the moment. Loving it and hope to have time to finish it today.


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