Killer Year Authors:Have They Delivered The Goods?

Has anyone on here read any of the books by the Killer Year Authors? Ive only read the books by Rob Gregory Browne & Marcus Sakey. Loved them both. Hoping to start Sean Chercover's book this week

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Read Sean Chercover's and Marcus Sakey's. Both books were subsequently chosen as Thug Picks of the Month. The Chi-Town boys do a lot of damage between them. Fantastic stuff.
I have Sean Cherover's book in my stack to read soon. Have a couple of books to read for review first but I am looking forward to Sean's book. Hope it is as good as I've heard it is.

Happy Ruby
I read Sakey's, and I'm currently reading Chercover's. Both are excellent.
Toni McGee Causey's book is GREAT. It got starred reviews in both Publishers Weekly and Library Journal. I loved it. Fun and funny, with a fabulous setting and some terrific action. This girl can write.

Marcus's was marvelous too - it's no wonder he just signed a four-book deal!

Good luck to all -
Well, I haven't looked at the website for ages... probably since it started, but I didn't think Sean was a Killer Year person - I must have missed that. I have his book and am really looking forward to reading it. Also looking forward to reading Sandra Ruttan and Dave White. And I hear good things about Marcus Sakey's book so I will probably buy that at some point too.
I was lucky enough to get an ARC of Brett Battles' "The Cleaner". Excellent book. One of the better spy thrillers I've read in a really long time. I've still got Bobbie Fayes Very (Very, Very, Very) Bad Day and Kiss Her Goodbye on my TBR pile.
Oh. My. God. I absolutely loved THE CLEANER. I'm not an int'l spy book afficionado, but this novel kicked ass. Had a twist I didn't see coming (that hasn't happened in eons!), reads like water. Definite page turner. F'god's sake, don't miss this one. I think it's coming out in June.

I've also read SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES (Sandra Ruttan) and LOST DOG (Bill Cameron). Both were good reads, though very different kinds of books. Haven't had a chance to get far into Pinter's book yet. I'm totally looking forward to reading Chercover's book, though - sounds like a good 'un.
I've read Sakey's, THE BLADE ITSELF, and Browne's, KISS HER GOODBYE, and they both definitely deliver the goods. I don't think Chercover is a Killer Year member, but BIG CITY, BAD BLOOD delivers, too. First-time novelist Phil Hawley is listed on their website as a Killer Year Friend, and STIGMA is the best flat out thriller I've read this year.

I unfortunately missed Bill Cameron's signing at Seattle Mystery Bookshop, but I will soon be dropping in to pick up a copy of LOST DOG to add to my TBR mountain.
According to the site the following people are members:

Brett Battles
J.T. Ellison
Jason Pinter
Robert Gregory Browne
Bill Cameron
Toni McGee Causey
Sean Chercover
Patry Francis
Marc Lecard
Derek Nikitas
Gregg Olsen
Marcus Sakey
Dave White

Of them I have read Bill Cameron, Sean Chercover & Marcus Sakey.

I plan on reading Brett Battles, J T Ellison, Robert Gregory Browne, Dave White & Marc Lecard.

I'd say it has been a sucess.
I'd sure love it if they bundled this up like a collection--the Class of 2007. Like the fruit of the month club, send me one juicy book after another, I'd sign up. (I've got a name or two in my TBR pile, but I don't want to miss one.)
My mistake about Chercover. I didn't realize Marc Lecard is also a member. In additon to the books by Sakey, Chercover and Browne, I've also read VINNIE'S HEAD, by Marc Lecard. Hilarious, dark and witty. Lecard delivers the goods, too.
Thanks to those of you who gave KISS HER GOODBYE the thumbs up. I appreciate it.



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