Lee Lofland


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm the author of Police Procedure and Investigation, A Guide For Writers, a 2008 Macavity Award nominee. I also write a daily blog for writers called The Graveyard Shift.

Here's what Jeffery Deaver had to say about my book

"A masterpiece . . . Police Procedure and Investigation offers everything, I mean everything, an author--novelist or nonfiction--needs to know about law enforcement: from police headquarters and laboratories to crime scenes to courthouses to jails. And Author Lofland pulls off another coup--he's managed to give us this encyclopedia of information in a style that's crisp, concise and damn fun to read. "

--Jeffery Deaver, author of The Sleeping Doll and The Bone Collector

I'm also the director and host of the Writers' Police Academy, an exciting and action-packed event where writers receive hands-on training in police procedure, investigation, and forensics. Keynote speakers have included Lee Child, Jeffery Deaver, and Lisa Gardner.
I Am A:
Writer, Organization
Books And Authors I Like:
James Lee Burke
Michael Connelly
Jeffery Deaver
Jan Burke
Dean Koontz
Stephen King
Lawrence Block
Elmore Leonard
Annie Proulx
Megan Abbott
SJ Rozan
Janet Evanovich
Robert B. Parker
Chris Grabenstein
Sue Grafton
Joseph Wambaugh
PJ Parrish
Theresa Schwegel
Ed McBain
Thomas Harris
The poetry of Dr. John Lofland, The Milford Bard (Poe's good friend)
Rhys Bowen
Agatha Christie
Tess Gerritsen
Sara Gruen
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The Big Bang Theory
American Horror Story
Bates Motel

Comment Wall:

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  • Cara Black

    Thanks for the invite, Lee. Any chance you'll make
    it to the West Coast?
  • Janet Reid

    Thanks for the invite!
  • Pamela Samuels-Young

    Glad to be your newest friend! Thanks for the free consultation on police procedure at Bouchercon in '06.
  • kendall R. Furlong

    Thanks for the invitation. I bet you're a great resource persona for crimewriters!! Glald to see you here.
  • Jackie Houchin

    Thanks, Lee! I missed your seminar at the SinC Conference (was in Naomi Hirahara and Christa Faust's) but heard lots of good things about it. And now you have a "HOW dunnit?" book. Terrific! I also read you in the MWA newsletter. I have an article in the MWA-SoCal this time...if Eric remembered to put it in! ;-) Nothing technical, just a review of some prominant eZines for Mystery Writers.
  • Gayle Bartos-Pool

    Lee, I really enjoyed hearing your talk at the No Crime Unpublished conference in June. Now I'll know what to do with all those dead bodies. The ones in my books, too.
  • Pamela Samuels-Young

    Hey Lee,

    Congrats on the great article -- CSI . . . I don't think so -- in the September 2007 "The Writer"!
  • Pamela Samuels-Young

    I am absolutely amazed by the power of the internet. Here's another great way to promote your books.

    I just joined Shelfari to connect with other book lovers. Come see the books I love and see if we have any in common. Please join Shelfari and add me as a friend! Just click on the link below.

  • Jackie Houchin

    Lee, I just read your article in THE WRITER. Very well said...but I have an idea. Why not send all those backlogged DNA cases that are piling up in our crime labs...to the CSI labs to analyze? They are SO fast, it would clear them up (and solve the crimes) in no time...maybe then, they could even buy some nice bright lights so they can see better! ;-)
  • carole gill

    thank you lee. sure will be your amigo.
  • Cass

    Hi Lee - Thanks for adding me!
  • Kim Smith

    Hi Lee thanks for the add!
  • Lyn LeJeune

    Thanks for the invitation and I clicked over to your website -- what a great resource for crime writers. I'll get one as I'm well into Book II of my series. My book, The Beatitudes, is a paranormal thriller set in New Orleans. It will be out in the fall and I am donating all royalties directly to the New Orleans Public Library Foundation. Libraries support the infrastructure of a great city, so I have started The Beatitudes Network to promote awareness of the importance of public libraries in NOLA.
    The blogsite www.beatitudesinneworleans.blogspot.com describes the Network, has excerpts from The Beatitudes, recipes, and more. Merci mille fois. Lyn Lejeune.
    Writers, please pass the word…..it’s for a good cause….don’t let the libraries of New Orleans or the US go the way of The Great Library of Alexandria. P.S. just posted an excerpt on my Crimespace page.
  • Chris Redding

    Thanks for the invite and great article in The Writer.
  • Chris Redding

    I have a friend who works for the Hudson Cty NJ Prosecutor's office crime lab. He just rolls his eyes as the CSI stuff.
    I never watch that stuff out of respect for him.
  • carole gill

    Guess what I just did?! I ordered your book from Amazon uk. and I can't wait to get it. I have always carefully avoided anything to do with police (IN WRITING!) because i didn't know what i was talking about. But now! woah! look out crime fiction! thank so much for the offer of help for questions. that's so kind. all the best. ALRIGHT COPPERS! TOP OF THE WORLD MA! (what film is that from?!)
  • carole gill

    Just read it. Sounds terrific. I love the idea of the anecdotes. Can't wait to get it. Might take between 2 and 4 weeks, even though it's 1st class. probably comes from a warehouse in the states. i know i 'll love it!
  • Marcia Moore

    Hi Lee,

    Thanks for the invite. There are so many talented writers on this site. I am honored to be in such good company.
  • Karen from AustCrime

    Hi Lee - thanks for the friend invite - nice to "meet" you :)
  • Harry Shannon

    Howdy, Lee
  • Karen from AustCrime

    LOL - give me an online place and a chance to talk about books and you'd have to hit me with a stick repeatedly to keep me away (a very big stick mind you... )
  • Martyn Waites

    Hi Lee, thanks for inviting me, good to meet you.
  • Felicia Donovan

    Thanks for the invite, Lee. Enjoyed your website and reading about your Poe connection.
  • Karen J. Laubenstein

    Hi Lee - Boston? I worked there for awhile. It's not far from Maine!! Thanks for the invite.
  • Karen J. Laubenstein

    Ah - the New Hampshire escape! My sister graduated from UNH, so we were around there alot way back then. Will you be at Bouchercon?
  • Karen J. Laubenstein

    Understand, kinda. I haven't been to any conventions for years, so experience them for all of us who can't be there. Still think B'con-Anchorage is not going to be the usual, but you'll hear about it, I'm sure. I'm doing those pre-movie ads for all the movie theatres and we're going to animate our bear attacking our snowman and make it into a roped off crime scene. Flash animation can be miraculous!!! The real bears have been unusually active in Anchorage this year and there are reader pics of them posted at the Anchorage Daily News webpage. We have not had a bear at our house. We live in the midst of what was off-base noncommissioned officer housing for Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage. 550 houses all built military style with four rooms and mini-bath. No basements. No finished attics. 700-800 sq. feet. But in the midst of our neighborhood in our valley, we usually see moose on a weekly basis. We have moose sleeping in our yard in the winter--they climb over the 6 foot fence and curl up in the snow. Their nuggets show up all around the house and driveway. Our birch trees keep getting ravaged. I stopped planting our vegie garden, cos the moose waited until just before I planned to harvest, and then would completely destroy the garden! The cute ones are the baby moose in the spring. Anyway, enuff on moose!
  • Jordan Dane

    Hey Lee--Thanks for the add and it's good to have a new friend. I look forward to getting to know you better.
  • Jordan Dane

    Lee--You do look like a party animal. My kind of guy. Cheers.
  • Maryann Mercer

    Thanks for accepting :o) Still having a problem with your book's availability? I'll check at B&N today but the last note said 1 1/2 to 3 weeks...I consider myself SO lucky!
  • Joseph Finder

    Thanks for looking me up, Lee!
  • carole gill

    Lee, how are you? i noticed you deleted a reply in the forum--i delete all the time my replies. jsut wanted to say that never be afraid of giving me any sort of advice--i'm developing a very hard exterior! because that's the only way i will grow as a writer! all the best and have a great weekend.
  • Joseph Finder

    Come to the POWER PLAY launch at Borders-Back Bay on Tuesday night, the 21st! Starts at 7:00 p.m. ... hope to see you there!
  • Dave Zeltserman

    Hey Lee, I've been planning to start going to more of the MWA meetings, and if I can make the October one I will. Have you been to Kate's yet? Great bookstore.
  • Karen J. Laubenstein

    Lee, on reading all the many posts and great info you keep sharing, it strikes me you're the New Spencer.
  • Maryann Mercer

    Glad to know things are on target with the book...and isn't it great that so many people wanted it! I'll check definitely when I do my next shift at the store. There's a place for it in the writing section. One in criminology too! It's great for me both as a writer and as a citizen to know the ins and outs. I'm just glad I got mine when I did!
  • Donna Moore

    Hi Lee - thanks for the invite - nice to meet you!
  • Rick Mofina

    Thanks for the kind words, Lee. The next book in the series, A PERFECT GRAVE will be released as a pbo in the US the first week of Sept. Hope you might give it a whirl. All the best, Lee
  • Patrick Lee

    Hi Lee, thanks for the invite!
  • terry bowman

    Lee, Thanks for the heads up. I'm signed up for your "think like" on Friday. See you there.
  • Cheryl Norman

    Thanks for being my friend! I've recently joined CrimeSpace, hoping for inspiration and camaraderie for writing about crimes (fictional, in my case). I write romance, but always with a dead body or two *LOL*
  • Douglas Quinn

    While my books don't deal much with police procedures, I'm betting your book is a "reference shelf" must for those writing detective/police investigation novels. My novels deal more with the reluctant citizen who gets involved by happenstance. For instance, in my latest book Blue Heron Marsh, my protagonist has been just released from an Army psychiatric ward and just wants to go fishing and be left alone in his stilt house at the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Even though this is my currentl series, I'm thinking the info in your book would be good to have for other characters interacting with the curmudgeon Webb Sawyer. Tel me it's so, Lee, tell me it's so!
  • Declan Burke

    Hi Lee - how's tricks? Thanks for the invite, I'm much obliged. Sounds like a pretty good book you have there - don't suppose you have any plans to write a similar one for UK / Ireland police procedures? If you fancy getting a plug on Crime Always Pays (we get a high percentage of hits from the US), we do a Q&A with writers ... just drop me a line at dbrodb(at)gmail.com and I'll send you on the questions. Cheers, Dec
  • Keith Dixon

    Hi Lee, thanks for the invite. I'm happy to be a friend! As you're in Boston, I might be calling on you to give me the lowdown on Spenser's hangouts ...
  • LJ Roberts

    Hi Lee. Thanks for the invitation. I love Boston; it's a great city and wonderful area. Enjoy!
  • Mary Reagan

    So what does Boston area mean? North, south, west? I'm originally from the suburbs south of Boston.
  • Douglas Quinn

    When you get a chance, check out my Crimespace Blog re the info and pics from my recent book signing event.

    Douglas Quinn
  • dawn cumpian

    Thanks for the invitation...Mrs. C
  • Morgan OReilly

    Thanks for the invite. New friends are always fun.
  • Jack Getze

    Hey, Lee, figured you might have missed this:


    You beat me.
  • Caro Soles

    Hi Lee! Another familiar face! Yay!
