Carla Harker

Profile Information:

Fort Worth, TX
About Me:
I write thrillers, though the one I'm currently working on would probably fall under science fiction.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Janet Evanovich
Dean Koontz
J.K. Rowling
Jonathan Stroud
GRR Martin
Barry Eisler
Charlie Huston
Jim C. Hines
Jeff Somers
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The Simpsons
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The West Wing
Battlestar Galactica

Way too many to name.

Most recent:
Live Free or Die Hard
Harry Potter 5
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Comment Wall:

  • L. A. Starks

    Welcome to CrimeSpace. Great to meet another DFW writer.
  • Steven Torres

    Welcome. Cool blog. Feel like I've been to Hardboiled and Cozy.
  • L. A. Starks

    Yes. Crud, did I miss you or just zone out? I was on one panel, moderating another, and had to cut out part of the day Friday. Were you there? Did you like it? Tell me about the book you're working on!
  • Carla Harker

    We sat beside each other at lunch on the second day. (Don't worry; I wasn't entirely certain you were the same person, which is why I asked first.)

    In my book, my heroine is hired to protect a popular television star after all her co-stars are murdered. My beta reader said it reminded her of Stephanie Plum and Ranger but with a Matrix attitude. :-)
  • Carla Harker

    Oh, and yes, I enjoyed the conference a lot.
  • Jordan Dane

    Hey Carla--Welcome to CS from a northern neighbor in OK, but I grew up in San Antonio. Best wishes and glad you're here.
  • JackBludis

    Great selection of stuff.
  • Carla Harker

  • Bethany K. Warner

    You got it on Joss Whedon fans! I've been watching the third season of Angel on DVD recently... somehow I missed part of it the first time around. It's good stuff.
    So, I gotta ask: What's your favorite episode of Firefly?
  • Bethany K. Warner

    Jaaaaayyyynnne. The man they call Jaaaaaayyyynnne. He steals from the rich and he gives to the poor....

    You do know about the easter egg on the DVDs right... with Adam Baldwin?
  • Bethany K. Warner

    On the fourth disc, in the special features section, there's a way to highlight the squiggly symbol on the side of the screen. It's Adam Baldwin wearing the Jayne hat and singing the song. It's pretty great.
  • Joseph Finder

    Thanks for looking me up, Carla!
  • Carla Harker

    My pleasure. Thanks for writing enjoyable books.
  • Eric Stone

    Hi Carla. Thanks for the congrats. That's right, I forgot that the paperback of Living Room of the Dead is supposed to come out today. I've been concentrating on the new book, GRAVE IMPORTS, which is coming out in both paper and hardcover at the end of September. Hope all's going well with your new one. What makes it sci fi?
  • Carla Harker

    It's post apocalyptic, something I've always wanted to write. It's going very well. Thank you for asking. This is probably the fastest I've ever written a first draft.
  • Newt Love

    Hey! If a author writes a novel in the forest, and nobody reads it, did it make a sound?
    I'm newt, slithering from the shallow end of the gene pool, into the open ocean. Sharks are likely to eat me before the salt water kills me, but who wants a quiet life?
  • Bethany K. Warner

    How goes the WIP?
  • Bethany K. Warner

    The interviews are always fun. You'll have to stay tuned in the coming weeks. I got someone I would categorize as "big name" writer to agree to participate! (No more hints than that though...)

    I love the writing process question as well to see how other authors make it happen.
  • Lyn LeJeune

    Carla;Greetings: Just to let you know that my New Orleans noir mystery, The
    Beatitudes, has received 5 starred reviews! I am donating all royalties to the New Orleans Public Library Foundation to help rebuild the public libraries. I have posted Chapter I on my blog Please read and if you like it, help rebuild a library for NOLA. Thank you Lyn LeJeune
  • Alex Scarrow

    Hello Carla. Pleasure to meet you.