Dana Stabenow

Profile Information:

Homer, Alaska
About Me:
I write books.
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
I read everything.

Comment Wall:

  • Steven Torres

    Welcome! See you in Anchorage.
  • Meredith Anthony

    Hi Dana. See you in September! Looking forward to a great Bouchercon. Meredith
  • Eric Stone

    Hi Dana, fancy meeting you here. Welcome.
  • Lyn LeJeune

    My friends and I have read all of your books....maybe because we're here in the deep south and it's hot as hades. My book, The Beatitudes, is a paranormal thriller set in New Orleans. It will be out in the fall and I am donating all royalties directly to the New Orleans Public Library Foundation. Libraries support the infrastructure of a great city, so I have started The Beatitudes Network to promote awareness of the importance of public libraries in NOLA.
    The blogsite www.beatitudesinneworelans.blogspot.com describes the Network, has excerpts from The Beatitudes, recipes, and more. Merci mille fois. Lyn Lejeune.
  • Lawrence Light

    Looking forward to Alaska Bouchecon! Larry
  • Mary Saums

    Hi, Dana - Great profile answers. :) My husband and I are excited about the trip to Alaska. Everyone I've talked to lately says it's the most beautiful place on earth. See you there.
  • Louisa Christy

    Dana, you are on the sexy list. Congrats!
  • David L. Hoof

    What a wonderful, mind-blowing opener it might be, at some writer's conference, to open with, "My mother never imagined I would have become a cover girl, but that's what eventually happened" )referring to the Mystery Scene magazine (in which the ad for my novel, Little Gods, also appears).
    Best Regards,

  • Dana Stabenow

    Hi, all! Not a lot of time in my life right now for blogging anywhere but on my own website, but thank you all for the warm welcome. It's a great site.
  • Kelli Stanley

    Hi, Dana--just wanted to say thanks for all the incredible work you and the team are doing for Bouchercon!

    Karen's photos are absolutely incredible--and you have the coolest house I've ever seen! ;) (Plus, you're from a town called Homer that predates the Simpsons. That makes me happy!) ;)

    I'm so looking forward to meeting you in Alaska!


  • Ken Isaacson

    Hi Dana:

    So looking forward to Bouchecon, and to meeting you.

    Thanks so much.

  • Dana Stabenow

    Just heard--we're going to have a Coast Guard rescue swimmer at Bouchercon, 9am Saturday. Imagine how many ways there are to kill somebody doing that job.
  • Newt Love

    Hey! If a author writes a novel in the forest, and nobody reads it, did it make a sound?
    I'm newt, slithering from the shallow end of the gene pool, into the open ocean. Sharks are likely to eat me before the salt water kills me, but who wants a quiet life?
  • Karyn J. Powers

    Big fan, thanks for bringing Alaska to my livingroom.
  • Peg Herring

    I enjoy your work and especially enjoyed a panel you shared with Nevada Barr at last year's Bouchercon (I think). Great (sassy) role models for aspiring writers who happen to be women.
  • Dana Stabenow

    Thanks, Peg. Nevada is always great, and so are Val McDermid and Laurie King, who were also on that panel. Easy to look smart and funny with them along.
  • Donna Moore

    Dana - congratulations on your award! That's great news. And while I'm here I just want to thank you for the opportunity to participate in Authors To The Schools. I am having a wonderful time and have so many lovely memories to take home with me - as well as pictures and stories from the children, and gifts from everywhere I've been. When are you doing it again?!?!
  • Ken Isaacson


    Great meeting you last week at B-Con. It was a wonderful time...and you even managed to arrange for mystery and intrigue outside the hotel!

    Thanks for all your hard work!
  • Hailey Lind

    Hi Dana! Thanks for the great time at Bouchercon. Did you check out my blog, www.artloversmysteries.blogspot.com? I posted a whole bunch of pictures from my time in Hooper Bay with the Authors in the Schools program. Amazing!
  • Dana Stabenow

    I'll check it out immediately, thanks, Hailey! Delighted you had a great time. Me, too, believe it or not. There is great satisfaction in making the trains run on time for that many people. But I'm done now.
  • Lillian Porter

    I have enjoyed all of your books particularly the Kate Shuglak series and the stand-alones

  • Dana Stabenow

    Thanks, Lillian, always nice to hear.
