All Blog Posts (12,730)

Now I Know How Lee Child Feels

The first royalty statement for wild Bill has appeared: $26.65. I’m not yet to the income level that will permit me to take over a bar for an evening at Bouchercon, but everyone who introduces themselves to me at next year’s conference will receive a stick of gum (flavor of my choice to be announced) from me personally.

Buy a few more copies, and I’m willing to raise the ante to those bite-sized Tootsie Rolls. Not that I’m begging for…


Added by Dana King on November 6, 2011 at 11:21am — 4 Comments

Writer visit to College

You never know what will happen when you go to a book signing. Last week at the Northern Virginia Community College I got into deep discussions with students about the art and craft of writing fiction. And bookstore manager Verity and I laid the groundwork for several future possibilities: author panels at the school, a writing lecture series, and even an effort to produce a Hannibal Jones play. I expect to spend a lot of time at the Alexandria Campus in the future.… Continue

Added by Austin S. Camacho on November 6, 2011 at 10:04am — No Comments

Interview with Vicki Delaney, giveaway, mystery TV reviews & short story in new KRL issue

The new issue of Kings River Life has a lot of mystery fun again with an interview with mystery author Vicki Delaney, review of her book "Negative Image" & a chance to win a copy of the book A look at 3 female cops in 3 new mystery TV shows-"Prime Suspect", "Unforgetable" and "The Protector"…


Added by Lorie Ham on November 6, 2011 at 8:08am — No Comments

Paul Grzegorzek to release “The Follow” with Trestle Press

Paul Grzegorzek will be releasing the novel “The Follow” with Trestle Press. Here is the synopsis of the novel and Paul’s biography:

“The Follow is a crime novel set in Brighton on the south coast of England.  It's a beautiful, vibrant City, but also the drug death capital of the country and full of heroin and crack and the associated crime that goes with it.

The main Character, Gareth Bell, is a thirty-something police officer working on the intelligence unit, which doubles as…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on November 5, 2011 at 6:04am — No Comments

New Reviews

Check out the new reviews for Mining Sacred Ground at:

Added by David Eugene Knop on November 5, 2011 at 5:22am — No Comments

Around the Globe with DAVE ANDERSON

This morning, I set the controls in my transporter for Portland to visit this week's featured author. Now, I have an interesting situation because he really wanted to have the interview about half an hour before the beginning of the Daytona 500. He wanted to be sipping $8.00 beers and eating cheese-steak sandwiches in an air-conditioned box with an expansive view of…


Added by Stephen Brayton on November 4, 2011 at 4:58pm — No Comments

THE 5-2: CRIME POETRY WEEKLY Seeks Christmas and New Year's Poetry

I'm seeking poems to run on The 5-2 the weeks of December 26, 2011 and January 2, 2012. The poems can involve Christmas, any holidays around the same time, New Year's Eve, or New Year's Day. The submission deadline is December 1, 2011, and the usual guidelines apply.

Added by Gerald So on November 4, 2011 at 5:21am — No Comments

An Experiment, for us it is Number One, starring Nigel Bird

Are there any absolutes right now in this wide open frontier known as digital publishing? I think not. What I do know is that there is plenty of what I do not know, and that is: what is the best price point for a piece of work? How much should it be sold for? Why do readers buy one story but not another?

When I have totally understood that and write the book on it, I will tell you. As it stands now we at Trestle Press put our stories up with very easy to understand price tags: $.99…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on November 4, 2011 at 5:02am — No Comments

The War of the Sexes has Just Gone Nuclear

The war of the sexes has just gone nuclear.  Meet Marissa Hamm and Mike Bean.  Two cops, each having a personality that would make Attalia the Hun look like a snotty-nosed brat needing his dirty diaper changed.  Think of the evil doppelganger to a Nick and Nora Charles.  Or a neurotic male/female version of a Laurel and Hardy.   Whatever they are, together (when they're not…


Added by B.R.Stateham on November 4, 2011 at 1:26am — 2 Comments

I published a story

My crime story "Trailer Tramp" (the title's a nod to sleazecore writer Orrie Hitt) is online at Author listed as Emmett Sudsbury. That's me!

Added by Don Lee on November 4, 2011 at 12:20am — No Comments

Shamus Award winner "Akitada's First Case"

If you follow Joe Konrath's blog, you may have noticed increased discussion about proper pricing of e-books and e-stories.  Lately, opinion has swung away from $ 0.99, because buyer reaction seems to be that the price denotes crappy writing.  That makes pricing short stories difficult.  I decided that I'd see what would happen if I asked $ 2.99 for this one.  At 0.99, the…


Added by I. J. Parker on November 3, 2011 at 4:14am — No Comments

Akitada story up on Kindle & Nook


I continue to put past fiction up on Kindle and Nook from time to time.  This partially because Joe Konrath advises putting material up to spark new sales interest.  This story appeared years ago in ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S MYSTERY MAGAZINE.  I added something else:  a thrilling swordfight in a snowy temple yard, entitled "Incident at Enshoji".  It comes from the…


Added by I. J. Parker on November 3, 2011 at 4:05am — No Comments

The Average American Author Makes $9,000 Per Year?

That's what this article claims. That actually seems high to me. Maybe the big names are throwing off the average. But I'd take $9,000 a year in a second.

Added by Benjamin Sobieck on November 2, 2011 at 10:14pm — 8 Comments

Another Great Mystery

My review of  "Death, Taxes & A French Manicure" by Diane Kelly is in this month's Big Thrill, the newsletter of the International Thriller Writers.  Check it out. -… Continue

Added by Austin S. Camacho on November 2, 2011 at 8:41pm — No Comments

Nov. 1 is National Authors Day

Nov. 1 is National Authors Day, a holiday established in 1929 by the General Federation of Women's Clubs. It's used to recognize authors for their contributions to culture and society.


If I had to pick my all-time two favorite authors, it'd be a tie between this guy:




And this guy:



Hunter S. Thompson and Elmore Leonard, respectively. They embody the two halves of what I enjoy most…


Added by Benjamin Sobieck on November 2, 2011 at 8:36am — No Comments

On my blog today I interview our own I.J. Parker

I.J. was gracious enough to allow me to pummel her with six questions about writing, and about her writing her Sugawara Akitada series.  Interesting reading. Go check it out here:

Added by B.R.Stateham on November 2, 2011 at 2:23am — 2 Comments

Is Your Life Whispering To You?

A couple months back when I was asked to be part of the Indie Chicks anthology I was actually dealing with a really personal situation in my life at the time.  I was at a crossroads and had an important decision to make, one that I never saw coming. …


Added by Cheryl Bradshaw on November 2, 2011 at 1:50am — No Comments

A Scattering of Ashes

I’ve been writing since I was 13.  I’d recite tales of Conan the Stamp Collector in the schoolyard and have my friends in stitches.  I saw my first story published in a newsletter back in 1992 for the Creative Writers’ Sig.  They weren’t very good, but I certainly had a passion for it.  My time in the Army has been rich with characters and events from various dangerous parts of the world.  I began to think seriously about publishing short stories a few years ago after I completed a tour of…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on November 1, 2011 at 11:04pm — No Comments

Another Cool Review

John Berten is one of the reviewers who received an advance readers copy of The Piranha Assignment. He

had some very positive things to say about my novel, and posted them on It was the first reader review of The Piranha Assignment posted there. What makes it really cool is that what John

posted is a video review. Take a look!… Continue

Added by Austin S. Camacho on November 1, 2011 at 8:32pm — No Comments

Review - The Crossing, B. Michael Radburn

Book Title:   THE CROSSING

Author:  B. Michael Radburn

ISBN:  9780980741872

Publisher:   Pantera Press

Year of Publication:   2011

Traumatised by the disappearance of his daughter Claire, Taylor Bridges' marriage breaks down, and he exiles himself to Glorys Crossing in Tasmania.  Taylor is the only ranger in this isolated town adjoining a national park ... a town dying a slow death as the rising waters of the new dam project slowly flood it.

Struggling with the… Continue

Added by Karen from AustCrime on November 1, 2011 at 9:48am — No Comments

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