On the Road Again (again) heading to Bouchercon

I'm in Port Hardy, B.C. tonight, waiting to catch tomorrow's Ferry to Prince Rupert. From there I'll drive up to Anchorage for Bouchercon. It's a long trip, but one I've wanted to do for a long time. Three years ago my mother and I spent a week in the Yukon. We didn't see a thing - the smoke from forest fires was so thick that in all the time we were there (and we drove from Whitehorse to Dawson City via Tok, AK) we didn't see a mountain. We kept looking at pictrues of what we were supposed to be seeing. We did see a tree at the side of the road fully engulfed in flames, so that was pretty spectacular. I am really looking foward to Bouchercon and the whole Alaska experience. I'm going to a school in Tenakee Springs, where I'll do a community event on night as well, to a school in Anchorage and to the public library in Palmer. My panel is Saturday afternoon at 1:00 and it's called The Longest Undefenced Border, about how U.S. politics influence us as Canadian writers. If you're coming to Boucercon, please say HI

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