Vicki Delany
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  • Anywhere
  • Canada
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  • Writing PIs
  • Lynda Coker
  • Sunny Frazier
  • The Poisoned Pen Bookstore
  • Rhonda Hitchcock
  • T. L. Cooper
  • Patrick Balester
  • L.J. Sellers
  • jKathleen
  • Beth Groundwater
  • Darren Laws
  • Persia Walker
  • Brian L Porter
  • Caro Soles
  • Dan L. Coleman

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Profile Information

Somewhere in Canada
About Me:
My most recent book is In the Shadow of the Glacier (Poisoned Pen Press, 2007) the first in my new police procedural series, In the Shadow of the Glacier. The book is set in the Mountains of British Columbia. I am the author of two standalone novels of psychological suspense, Burden of Memory (2006) and Scare the Light Away (2005) published by Poisoned Pen Press.I sold my house in Oakville, Ontario in May, and hit the open road. I plan to spend a year just travelling, and writing, and meeting people.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Peter Robinson; Ian Rankin; Jill McGown; Aline Templeton; Louise Penny; Rick Blechta; Charles Benoit; Susan Hill. And on and on. I particuarly like the British Police Procedurals.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The Lord of the Rings. And not much else.

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Vicki Delany's Blog

Promotion - love it or hate it? And what about Networking Sites?

We're having an intense discussion over at Type M For Murder about the value of promotion. How much? How much is too much? How much do you hate it? We've also started discussing the value of net working sites such as this one. Have a look, if that's your interest:

Posted on January 18, 2008 at 10:56am — 2 Comments

New Mystery Radio Show

Tomorrow (Thursday Dec. 20) is the debut of my new mystery novel show (as yet unnamed!) on Internet Voices Radio ( I will be on every Thursday at 8:30 PM Eastern Time. Each week, I'll have a guest mystery writer. My first guest is the lovely and talented Charles Benoit (Relative Danger, Out of Order, Noble Lies). Next week it will be the equally lovely and equally talented Rick Blechta (Cemetery of the Nameless, When… Continue

Posted on December 20, 2007 at 12:02pm

Modern Policing

Over at Type M 4 Murder ( we've been having a lively discussion on the RCMP Taser incident at Vancouver airport, and what policing means to us. We are none of us police officers, so we don't have any special insight, but we are citizens. Check it all out.

Posted on November 30, 2007 at 6:43am

Book Tour (Cross-posted from Type M 4 Murder)

Vicki here. I'm writing this sitting in a Starbucks in Phoenix waiting until it's time for me to go for my TV appearance. This evening I'll be at Poisoned Pen bookstore in Scottsdale, and I'm really looking forward to that. The book tour is coming to an end, and I'll be glad to be heading back North. To the cold and snow. Yummy. (BTW that is not a sarcastic comment). The highlights: Four Eyed Frog books in Gualala, California (pronounced Wallawalla). A delightful store in a lovely little…


Posted on November 10, 2007 at 3:01am

Audio - Cross Posted from Type M 4 Murder

Vicki here, and tonight I'm in Fort Bragg, California heading for the improbably named Gualala where I'm doing a booksigning tomorrow at Four Eyed Frog Bookstore. With a name like that, I'm expecting a fun place!

I've been on the road since May. I've crossed half of Canada, from Oakville, Ontario to Tofino (as far west as you can go before getting wet) and by this time next week I'll have driven from Alaska to San Diego. I'm getting very, very tired of the CDs I have in the car. I love… Continue

Posted on November 2, 2007 at 2:08pm

Comment Wall (27 comments)

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At 5:23am on February 2, 2009, Sunny Frazier said…
Aloha! I'll be meeting you for the first time at LCC Hawaii.
At 1:30am on May 20, 2008, Vicki Delany said…
Thanks, Lillian. I see that you live in Niagara Falls. I've just bought a house in Prince Edward County. Scare the Light Away and Burden of Memory are set in Ontario, around Muskoka, and In the Shadow of the Glacier is set in B.C. Hope you get over that slump!
At 1:25am on May 20, 2008, Lillian Porter said…
I look forward to getting your books.
I am finally getting around to reading Canadian authors. (I am Canadian)
At 11:27am on May 7, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Hi Vicki
Good to "see" you again. Great photo here. I hope you're doing well.
At 4:36am on April 29, 2008, T. L. Cooper said…
It wagreat to see you at LCC. We will miss you at Murder in the Grove!
All the best!
At 2:29pm on March 12, 2008, Patrick Balester said…
Hi Vicki,

Nice the kayak! I used to kayak a lot in the Dismal Swamp in Virginia, which is the setting for my first book.
I have an undeveloped idea I may pursue eventually, a crime novel set in Canada, so I may ask you someday for advice on setting! We love you Canucks down here in the U. S. of A. Happy Travels.
At 4:58am on October 25, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Just finished it! Took me longer to get to it than I planned but once I started I read the whole thing in a day. Vicki, I am so impressed! I knew from Scare the Light Away that you are a really good writer and do great characters, but this is so totally different and yet you retained all of your strong points. Molly is so well drawn and I adore John already and am hoping so much that the relationship with Molly and the RCMP (whose name I forget how to spell) develops more in the next book. I also very much liked the subjects dealt with in the book - from aging hippies (I can relate) to current environment issues to women in traditionally men's jobs and the problems they encounter. Not to mention stalkers and bike thieves. Anyway, bottom line - well done!
At 11:17am on October 4, 2007, LC Fraser said…
Hi Vicki -- book arrived today. Thanks! I have to finish the one I am reading now and read one for my book group and then I am free and clear and can get to it.
At 8:26am on September 22, 2007, Cyndi Martin said…
Thank you for adding me! Your dogs are beautiful. I love dogs. Mine are little bitty. Here is Abby:
At 9:31am on September 1, 2007, Sandra Ruttan said…
I have two huskies:

Stuart, Russel, Simon & Rebus:

You know, I never saw bears until I went to northern BC and the Yukon and NW Territories. Then, it was like I saw them all the time. A grizzly ran out in front of us in Kananaskis. We saw another bear just off the highway, near Calgary. Also saw a pack of wolves near Banff. I guess there's something to the reality of humans encroaching more on the wild, and the animals being forced into populated areas. With bears, that's (of course) a scary situation. Wild animals are always unpredictable.

Believe it or not, I live in a village that has a skunk as its mascot, but my dogs haven't been sprayed. Yet.

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