I. J. Parker's Comments

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At 8:44am on May 9, 2007, I. J. Parker said…
Welcome, Lee. How handsome you look in your picture. This site is lucky to have you for your expertise and experience. You will be very popular.
At 4:48am on May 9, 2007, Lee Lofland said…
Hi Ingrid. i was browsing and ran across one of your posts. What a small world!
At 8:38am on April 29, 2007, I. J. Parker said…
Hi, Clay. Good to see you here. What are you working on?
At 8:30am on April 29, 2007, EDWARD C MORGAN said…
Hi Ingrid...nice to run into a fellow MWFer on here...
At 4:32am on April 25, 2007, I. J. Parker said…
A bar? There's a bar here? Fantastic. What will Daniel think of next?
At 5:11am on April 24, 2007, I. J. Parker said…
Hi, Scott. Well, you've been warned. That's a very old photo. Maybe I should have put the dog up instead. This place has innumerable cats but not enough dogs.
At 12:35am on April 17, 2007, I. J. Parker said…
Austin was not a great experience for me (my first Bouchercon and I was convinced everybody hated me). I have since been to Chicago, and that was great, especially the PWA banquet. Not sure if you were there. I have a very soft spot for PWA and its people. My kind of people.
At 9:17am on April 16, 2007, JackBludis said…
Yes, who can forget the PWA barbecue, and the miles and miles of brush and scrub we had to ride through to get there. PWA always has those good dinners--not just dinners and awards, but whole shows.
At 11:42am on April 14, 2007, Eileen said…
Hi Ingrid,
We've briefly chatted before. I am a fan. I love historicals. Nothing better than old, er, former English teachers. :)
At 12:14pm on April 12, 2007, Daniel Hatadi said…
You're real! :)
At 2:01pm on April 11, 2007, Angie said…
Aw, that's a great photo! See? You're way more techno-savvy than you thought!
At 9:07am on April 11, 2007, I. J. Parker said…
Thanks, Judy. That is nice. Wish more people felt that way. Sigh! It's hard to sell a new novel when everybody looks at your sales first.
At 1:21am on April 11, 2007, I. J. Parker said…
Okay, as you can see I mastered the trick. Thanks to a very good site. My compliments. Few things work the way they should.
The passport photo is old. Never mind how old. It is also absurdly flattering. I saved it, hoping for some such opportunity as this. :)
At 9:10am on April 10, 2007, I. J. Parker said…
Yes, that would work, Daniel. Bless your nosiness. Now Bryon mentions how much fun it is to watch me take technological leaps (That reminds me that my daughter gave me a new camera and I threw away the teeny $60,00 card thingy, not knowing what it was.), so I'll have to figure out how to get the art into the image space. It'll probably kill my computer. :)
At 1:14am on April 10, 2007, I. J. Parker said…
Now, where else can you check your e-mail and find a whole bunch of people who want to be your friend? Thank you all! Some of you are friends already, and I'm more than grateful to some for their past friendship. The new friends are wonderful.

I staggered to my computer this morning (massive sciatica attack -- Curse it!) and immediately experienced a warm and fuzzy feeling.

I'll do something about the photo soon and may write the occasional blog. It will be about writing. My mind is on a single track lately. However, just now I'm behind with a chapter for my readers and have to do battle with a POV switch.
Thanks to all my friends again!
At 6:16am on April 9, 2007, Angie said…
Well, you don't have to use a photo of yourself - you can use whatever image you want as an avatar, including a book cover.

And yes, you can blog here if the mood strikes. Daniel's done a great job with this place - tons to see and do!
At 7:23am on April 8, 2007, I. J. Parker said…
Hah, Angie, I thought the name sounded familiar. Daniel wants a photo. I keep those top secret. On the other hand, that silhouette just isn't me.

Do I take it that we can blog here if we feel like it? I may not get any more writing done.

Seriously, it's so nice to find old friends here. I already like the place.
At 6:52am on April 8, 2007, Steven Torres said…
Hi Ingrid,
Could this mean that you'll soon be entering the blogging world (aka The Blogosphere)?
At 11:41pm on April 7, 2007, Daniel Hatadi said…
Welcome aboard, Ingrid. Glad you made it. Now do we get to see a photo? :)
At 7:40am on April 7, 2007, Angie said…
Hi, Ingrid! Nice to see you made it over to crimespace. There are quite a few MWF members running around here, too.

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