I've heard great things about this conference, but this will be my first time attending. I'd love to hear from other people on Crimespace who plan to be there. Perhaps we can arrange a meeting at some actual rather than virtual bar! It's at the Crystal Gateway Marriott.

I'll be on a Sunday morning panel titled "Undaunted Sleuths: Murder Most Adventurous." It'll be my first national panel as a published mystery writer, and I'm thrilled.

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It will be my first Malice as well, so I'm looking forward to it. I'll be on the panel on exotic destinations: Murder in Paradise-Death Among the
Beautiful People on Saturday May 5 at 2:30 PM
Panelists will include Debra Turrell Atkinson, Neil Plakcy, Janice Kaplan, Caroline Upchur (Hope McIntyre), Susan Goodwill, Libby Fischer Hellman and Nancy Martin.
Hope to see some Crimespacers there!
I've been to Malice three times now . . . this will be my fourth. It's a great, targeted convention that celebrates the traditional mystery. It's fairly big as well.

My panel is Sat. morning, 9AM
Work is Murder! Murder on the Job with Laura Bradford (mod.), Elaine Viets, Ellen Byerrum, JB Stanley, Deborah Donnelly and me. Should be fun.

And, yes, the bar is a great place to meet.
I'm sorry I'm so late to this but I covered Malice two years ago and it was the first Mystery con I'd been to. What stands out in my memory are these:

If you want to be alone at Malice, go into the men's room. This is a very estrogen-heavy conference.

These people have a great time and are very friendly. They might not have as much fun as we had at Thrillerfest last year, but close. And there was less alcohol involved, I'm sure. Hell, sailors' leave involves less alcohol than we had in Phoenix.
Hi Neil and everyone,
I'm Susan Goodwill. I just joined Crimespace this morning and am amazed at what a busy place this is. This will be my first Malice as well. Neil-- we'll do this panel thing together. It should be great fun.

Susan Goodwill
HI! I believe I'm on the same panel as you, Julie - Undaunted Sleuths.

This will be my second Malice.

I had to come - partly because my second mystery is coming out in May, partly because I enjoyed my first one, and largely because the Ghost of Honor this year is the lady whose books I am most trying to emulate - Georgette Heyer. I love her Hanasyde/Hemmingway mysteries!
Hi Julie!
Looks like we're in the same boat (pardon the pun--I write cruise mysteries),
since this is my first Malice and I'm newly pubbed as well. I'll be presenting a
panel on Saturday afternoon, titled :Malice Mystery and Medicine-What Makes the Murder Go Down?
My fellow panelists will include: Lori Avocato, Priscilla Masters, Camille Minichino, and Moderator and participant Robin Hathaway.

I hope to see you at the conference!



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