For a current, and hopefully future, novels I am looking to add a bit of courtroom drama and a lawyer as one of the main characters. Can anyone suggest a 'Crime Writers Law' type book?  I don't think a full legal degree would be useful at this stage. ;)

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Thanks. I ordered order in the court. It looks exactly like what I need. I have lawyer friends but i don't want to bug them all the time. There are likely websites as well with this kind of information..
Order in the court is a great book. You probably know by now that only one half of the book is devoted to anything criminal. The other half gives you an "in a nutshell" mini review of the other half of the law, civil law. Another book that is helpful is The Crime Writer's Reference Guide: 1001 Tips for Writing the Perfect Murder by Martin .
Like you said, you don't need the full ride at a law school and I am sure you know that there is not any one book that can provide enough reference for any subject. I have another suggestion. Here is the link to a page that has 100's of blogs to help ficiton crime writers. Some cover a variety of crimial issues or procedures and others are crime or case specific.
I was a prosecutor for 20 years and now I am in private practice (95% Criminal defense work). Good luck and I am happy to answer any legal questions or any quesions you have for an asssitant district attorney (chief asst.) Let me know if you have any questions. Melissa Sugar
Excellent suggestions. Thank you very much for the suggestions and the kind offer.


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