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H.R.F.Keating's Inspector Ghote novel UNDER A MONSOON CLOUD.  This series is set in India with a diffident protagonist who struggles against superiors and assorted misfortunes, but who is above all a dedicated policeman.  A charming series, much better than Keating's "Detective" series, it has wonderful local color. MONSOON CLOUD describes a violent conflict of conscience Ghote encounters when he could escape dismissal by telling a lie.
Just started James Rollins' THE DOOMSDAY KEY. Lot of fun so far.

I quite enjoyed that book as well. I reviewed it here:


I want to see Rollins and Berry co-write a book or series. 

All plans got pitched out the window when somebody whose opinion's I really respect mentioned The End of the Wasp Season by Denise Mina.


Kirk Mitchell, SPIRIT SICKNESS.  A new author to me.  The book started nicely in Tony Hillerman territory.  I'm a Hillerman fan.  But Mitchell writes thrillers, and I'm no thriller fan.  In the end, it was all very much over the top in believability and violence, with horrid gila monsters, killers in gila monster garb, incest, and setting living victims on fire.  I'm also getting just a tad tired of the cliche protagonist couple, one handsome and brave male and a beautiful and tough female, the relationship full of sexual overtones.

Wow, lots of really great books I hadn't heard of yet.  My list keeps getting longer and longer.


Anyone had a chance to read Noir Nation No. 1 yet?  We cold really use a few reveiws on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

I've started reading it. I read the first two shorts and the first one especially is very good. I'm on the road for work this week so reading in hotel rooms will see me finish it. I bought it from Amazon.


I'm also halfway through a submission for your next edition.

Massimo Carlotto's THE GOODBYE KISS: very violent and very unpleasant, which is very fine by me. 

Reading Clark Lohr's book. He's so great!

Reading another Archie Mayor.  His narrative description is wonderful; you feel as if you were in Vermont!


The Wounded and the Slain by David Goodis. This is the second Goodis for me. Very sad, but powerful. This one's published by Hard Case Crime. It's told in omniscient 3rd person, but slips into 2nd person from time to time as the two key characters step back from themselves and reflect on their actions or situation. Riveting, but more character exploration than crime novel.



Currently reading Tess Gerritsen's VANISH, a Rizzoli & Isles book. Great fun.


David DeLee

Fatal Destiny - a Grace deHaviland novel


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