Welcome, fellow crime fiction readers, writers and lovers.

The internet is filled with forums, journals, blogs and spaces, some of which intersect the world of crime fiction or live fully within it.

What's missing is a hub, a central meeting place, a bar of sorts, where we can all meet and share our interest in crime fiction. Whether you're a writer or a reader, the hope is to fill this space with established authors and up-and-comers, readers who dabble and committed fans of the genre, the idea being to connect us all.

Find new authors to delve into, make friends and plan a heist, discuss the latest in crime fiction and make the place your home. Join up and enter the forums, add photos, videos and make some friends. Just to be safe, please read the Privacy & Terms Of Service information at the bottom of the Main page, as well as the Help page before you dive in. Then ...

Pull up a chair at the bar and share your poison.

Daniel Hatadi

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Your site rocks, Daniel. I've lurked around for a while, and am utterly impressed. Now I join, prepared to lower the standard you've worked so hard to maintain.
That explains why Olen is too busy to post on his own site. :)
No reason why one can't be in two places.
I can be in two places at once, Ingrid, but can I also cook for my girlfriend, vacuum occasionally, drink, smoke and write a very uncooperative novel at the same time? Others, maybe, but not this simpleton!
Obviously your novels need more cooking and cleaning in them. And pink covers and ...
Great to see the Nomads here. It wouldn't be a Circus without you all. :)
This is my kind of watering hole! An all-day happy hour. Thanks, Daniel.
Glad you like it, Jane. Why don't you head on over to The Bar and introduce yourself?


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