Some of you may have become quite used to the "Who's Online" feature on the right hand sidebar of CrimeSpace. Turns out that the third party developer has been taken offline, so I'm afraid this feature is no longer available. Hopefully I'll be able to find a replacement some time in the future, but for now, I've had to simply remove the feature.

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Looks like the developer has come up with the code to run the "Who's Online" feature outside of the ning servers. From their website:

"Who-IM Still alive and kicking...

"Anyone who is feeling a bit letdown by the lack of any chat or instant messenger on Ning... our free and powerful Who-IM is still available for use on your site... now in "Removal-Safe" version that runs completely outside of NING on our servers.

"Grab the code from the right column and paste to a text box... then sit back and enjoy the fast, reliable, and bug-free Who-IM that your networks have come to know and love."

That was fast!
Thanks for that, Karen. I'm still on holiday but I have been checking in sporadically, so I've put the feature back up.


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