Hey folks,

As you may be aware, Ning.com, the company who provides the servers and service for Crimespace to run on, charge an annual fee.

The fee is $USD 239.90, and last year I made a similar call for donations to meet that fee. And then I posted to let people know that the goal was met. Note that I don't do this for profit so as long as I get somewhere near the annual fee in donations I'm happy for people to have fun on Crimespace as they please.

So please consider making a donation towards the running costs if you use and enjoy Crimespace. There's a donation box at the bottom of the front page. Any amount is welcome.

Thanks to everyone who has donated along the way, it's much appreciated.

Daniel Hatadi aka Crimespace Creator

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Every time I've tried to donate over the years the payment doesn't go through. Is it something between here in the States and Australia?


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