The Art of the Lift is a noir crime television drama in the early stages of development.

More information here:

To promote the show, we're launching an Instagram contest this summer in NYC where participants use photographs from the show's Instagram account ( to find hidden QR codes throughout the city that feature audio tracks. When scanned, these tracks will broadcast mini audio-plays which follow a whodunnit mystery storyline which the participants will have to solve. To add a bit more interactivity, the scenes on the tracks will take place in the environment where the QR code is found.

We're looking for crime/mystery writers to collaborate with on the storyline and logistics of how the clues are distributed throughout the city.

Unfortunately no pay, but regular promotion of your published work is guaranteed.

Fun project for crime fiction writers looking to get out of their comfort zone and try their hand at more theatrical territory.

If interested please contact info [at]

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