JK Rowling to self-pub Harry Potter not a game changer

Did you see this part of the PW article about RK Rowling's decision to use her eBook options to self pub Harry Potter material:


"...many people who work in publishing think that as interesting as Pottermore is, the endeavor says less about the future of book publishing than it does about the singular status of a very wealthy author who has the inclination and means to build her own brand."


You're kidding, right?

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Joe Konrath blogged about that also.  She holds the control but pays her publisher a percentage.
Mind you, Rowling has a good relationship with her publishers. Most self-publishing authors aren't in her enviable position.
True, I.J, most self-published authors (other than Locke, Hocking and a few others) are not in her enviable position. However, to discount what she is doing "as a wealthy author who has the inclination and means to build her own brand" is to discount what is happening on the broader scale in the industry. This statement reminds me of the antics of an ostrich.
No question but Rowling caught on to the trend.  But she may still do this to get more control.  That's why Barry Eisler and any number of bestselling authors did it. I can't get terribly excited about Rowling following suit.  As I said, she's in a very different league.  I'm just happy that I have an alternative to the big six or the small houses.  And I don't mind a bit more control either.
There's a certain sweet spot where self-pubbing makes more sense than going through a publisher. For that small handful of authors, they have nothing to lose turning their backs and going out on their own. But for most authors, self-pubbing still isn't the preferred route. Having a brand back you is important for exposure.
I'm not so sure about this any longer. Small publishers do not promote you.  They don't even submit books for awards or to major reviewers. The big six do some minimal stuff, but they take an enormous cut and keep all the control.
I should add that there are self-published authors who have built such a following that they got offers from major publishers and took them.  No doubt to get the brand behind them. One wonders if those marriages will last.
I have to agree. Publishers seem to be doing little to help market mid-list and newbie authors, paying less in royalties, and making outrageous rights grabs in a lot of cases. Amanda Hocking went into her deal knowing she would lose money, but wanted to expand her readership by getting print books into the hands of readers who would not find her electronically, or know about her to order print books.
That will only happen for someone operating up at her level $-wise these days I'm afraid.
David DeLee
Fatal Destiny - a Grace deHaviland novel
King has tried it, hasn't he?

This is certainly a game changer. From what i read she owns her ebook rights, so her publisher is getting nothing from this.


That's the big difference between her and Patterson, King, etc. is that she owns the ebook rights while these other authors don't. But could easily for future books, and even if they don't to build their own storefronts, I could see authors of their sales status forming a consortium so they don't have to take the burden on themselves.


So yes, this is definitely a game changer.


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