Dear CrimeSpace friends,
I wanted to alert you that this weekend Noir Nation Issue one is on sale on all sellers for 50% off the normal price in celebration of one of my favorite holidays--Halloween. So if you've been meaning to buy a copy and hadn't got around to it, or wasn't sure you wanted to spend eight bucks on it, or you loved it so much you want to buy one for a literary crime fiction loving friend, now's your chance.
The price will return to normal ($8.00 USD) Monday at Midnight.
And for all you who have already bought one, thank you for your support and patience with this promotion.

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Hi all, thanks for the support.  We are one or two copies away from breaking into the Amazon top 10,000!  Next stop top 1,000!



We are still reading for Noir Nation Issue 2.  I still need some more submissions from Europe, Middle East, and Asia!  Russia too!  Submission Guidelines at




Thanks to everyone who put up with the Noir Nation sale for four days, and thank you for buying copies. We had a good boost from it!



Free peek at an essay from Noir Nation No.1 on why Noir is such a hot and trending topic.


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