Earlier this evening I had the pleasure of meeting NYT bestselling author Tess Gerritsen. She signed my copy of her newest title, and we got to chat a bit before and after her talk to the crowd (which included instructions on how to make one of these). I've known Tess for a while online, and she was everything I expected her to be in person: intelligent, witty, gracious, and just an all-around nice person. If you haven't read her books, you should.

I asked her if she had any advice for writers trying to break in (i.e. moi). The first word from her mouth? You got it. Persistence.

She mentioned having the right idea at the right time, creating characters who speak to you on a variety of levels, landing a good agent, the all-important factor of luck...

But I think there's a reason persistence came first. Persistence is, without a doubt, the most important word a pre-published writer needs to keep in mind. Rejection is the norm in this business. Get used to it. Get over it. Move on. Write a better book. If your better book gets rejected, write an even better one.

And an even better one after that.

Is there ever a time a writer should give up? Is it ever just not in the cards? Are there people out there who just don't have what it takes to succeed in publishing?

Only you can answer that.

If it's truly your dream to become a published author, though, you won't quit. You'll keep giving it one more try, for as long as it takes.

And someday, when you're on your own national book tour, and some goober in the audience asks if you have any advice for aspiring authors, the first word from your mouth might just be persistence.

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Hi, Jude.

Yeah. That Tess. She's right. Dammit.

The awful thing is, if you're supposed to write (or sing, or paint, or act, or sculpt, or . . . ), there is no rest. You can't have peace if you give up because it's all too hard. You can't have peace unless you persist, and when you're busy persisting, you aren't resting.

Frigg-a-diddle. It's a mug's game.
Well, Tom, I think we all need some down time, too, some time to recharge the old batteries, and everyone's goals are different. As it should be. But, as with any endeavor, one truth remains constant in seeking publication: you can't win if you're not in the game.
Persistence is still the word after you've published.
That's why I keep plugging away, with four in the drawer and another almost done. The way I look at it, if a publisher ever does want to buy a book from the series I'm working on and asks, "can youi write another one like this?" I can always say, "Wellll, let's see what I have in here."
LOL! Exactly what I did. Though I think it was an excuse to do very little marketing.
Worked for Chuck Palahniuk. Fight Club was the first published, but he had written Survivor and Invisible Monsters before that.
LOL! Yeah, if persistence doesn't work you can always drop some acid and hope for the best.
Very true, I.J.
Interesting, John. I didn't realize Fight Club was his debut.


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