I need somebody to read my second-ish draft of Nine Days and tell me whether to junk it or invest more time in it. It needs to be somebody who has no axe to grind, who is qualified to judge the quality of the material, and who will tell me the truth.

How does one go about finding such a person? I've looked into "professional editors," and they are all way out of my league, price-wise. Everyone I know has a vested interest in being nice, in that they are my friends, colleagues, etc. I'm not a groups person, so I don't belong to any writers organizations or crit circles. Even if I *was* that kind of person, a lot of them charge money that I don't have. Sending my work to some relative stranger online feels very iffy, but it seems like that's exactly what I need -- a trustworthy relative stranger.

Naturally, if anyone here (with whom I've exchanged at least a couple of words from time to time) would be willing, I would be forever and eternally grateful. I'll read your stuff in exchange, if you like -- I'm an avid mystery/thriller reader and will give you whatever kind of crit floats your boat.

Failing that, any recommendations on finding this elusive beta reader creature will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks -- MK

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email me - joy@jeseymour.com  I'll look at it, if you'll look at mine.  I do not pull any punches.


You can also look at the Absolute Write Water Cooler: 




They have a thread devoted to betas.



Thanks Joy! I will gladly swap reads. I'll send you the MS later today.

You guys are the best.


Local writers group.  It will take a bit of experimentation.  I'm also told that online writers groups work.
Much as I hate the whole group thing, I have to admit that the advice makes sense. I'll just need to find a bunch that I can get along with.
Yes, but among them may be one or two who are really useful. Input tends to differ. Some are good line editors, and others are better with plot suggestions.  All of them should tell you when something doesn't work, and there consensus is important.
I thought the same way but fell into two groups that were supportive, helpful (not always the same thing) and had a lot of very nice people I remained friends with even after I or they moved away and left the group. Give it a shot. Not everyone is as lucky as I was, but you can't win if you don't play.
I had good luck with the one I joined. Then I moved. I miss those meetings. The best were the eccentrics who showed up once with some trippy ramblings, then were never heard from or seen again. Good times.


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