What do you enjoy most about writing and what do you like least in the process?

I'll start.

For me the best part is getting started. I'm a planner so  I enjoy taking a couple of days and working out the elements of my plot, the structure of the story.

The worse thing for me is, because I get distracted easily and bore quickly (always looking for that next new shiny thing) is slogging through the first or second draft, always anxious to get it done.

How about you? 

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I don't like planning and only do a minimum, basically the crime and the motive. Additional plotting happens as I move forward.

I like it when things move smoothly, often at the beginning, but sometimes also in the middle. I like chapters tht turn on human psychology where two characters react to each other in interesting ways, often without being aware of the other's attitude. In other words, their conversation is based on mutual misunderstandings.

I agree, I.J. 

A simple scene between two characters in a room if done right can be as terse and exciting as a running gun battle. 

Putting together the outline and first draft are usually huges pains in the ass for me. For the WIP, the draft seems to be easier than usual. Let's hope it stays that way.

My favorite part is editing, and I like it better as things go along. The draft is done, and my first edit handles the major lifting of making sure the 50 - 60 chapters actually make a book. (Cutting, adding, re-ordering, etc.) The last couple of drafts, when I'm wordsmithing to get things to come out how i want them to sound, those are fun.

I'm the same way Dana. 

For me the planning is the best part and second to that is the editing of the drafts, the shaping and molding, and as it gets closer to my version of perfection the more I like the material and get that warm, fuzzy feeling about my writing.

I'm like Dana. I'm a plotter as compared to a "seat of the pantser". I suppose that's why revising is my favorite part of writing. I love to tweak my work, getting the plot points in just the right place, and making sure the story is how I want it.

For me, it's the initial bolt of inspiration. Usually a scene or two will appear, which I will write down, and then others. Once I have enough essential scenes, I fill the rest in. Usually my characters will take care of that on their own.

The writing. I do a lot of plotting and research, but when I start writing it's as if the story unfolds itself. The plotting part is like looking at a road map. The writing is like watching the scenery go by.

Martin, that's a great description of how I do it. I occasionally do a diversion for a little sightseeing along the way, but your road map/travel analogy is very much what I do.

Right now, I'm learning to write faster.  It is helping in a phases of my work.  Especially, the middle chapter that screams "I  don't have anything to say!"  That's the worst part.

Believe it or not, my editing is the best part where I can shape and shine the work.  Then, the real editor tears it apart.  Uggh!  And why are editors almost always right?

I don't know, Brian, but thank the lucky stars for them. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten edits back and had that V-8 moment. The one where you slap your forehead and say-why didn't I see that?

Finding and plugging logic holes is a relentless task. I have learned a trick which helps sometimes: just raise the question in dialogue and have another character say, "I don't know." I haven't been called on it yet.

That's brilliant. I love it.


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