Morgan Mandel


United States

Profile Information:

Chicago, IL
About Me:
Just out - Forever Young: Blessing or Curse, a paranormal romantic thriller by Morgan Mandel -
Fresh beginnings turn tragic when Dorrie Donato’s husband, Larry, is killed in a hit and run accident a few months after starting a new job at the Life is for Living Institute. Discouraged and desperate after suffering countless setbacks, Dorie accepts an offer by Larry’s boss, the famous Angel Man, to be the first to test an experimental pill designed to spin its user back to a desired age and hold there, yet still retain all previous memories. The pill seems too good to be true. Maybe it is.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Publisher
Books And Authors I Like:
Sidney Sheldon
Mary Higgins Clark
John Grisham
Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Dog Whisperer
Design on a Dime
GAC channel

Comment Wall:

  • John Foxjohn

    Thank you for adding me as a friend. Looks like out writing careers have taken similar paths. I am Vice-president of a romance chapter, a member of MWA and SinC.... :)
  • Morgan Mandel

    Then you know that belonging to writing organizations really helps. If it weren't for the critiques at my meetings at Chicago-North RWA and if it weren't for going to the Love is Murder conference 2 years ago, I wouldn't have gotten my book published.
  • Mary L. Wheeling

    Hi, Morgan. thanks for the friendship!
  • Lee Lofland

    Hi Morgan. Thanks for the invitation.

    I agree with your comment. Writing groups, conferences, etc. are really important. Not only do you learn, the friends you make are wonderful. Writers are a great group of people.
  • Laura Benedict

    Hi, Morgan. Nice to meet you! You know, slot machines are the only thing I play in Las Vegas. Everything else there scares me. Then again, so do NYC taxi cabs and spiders....

    I'm down in Carbondale, so I'd really like to get to know you Chicago crime folk. I hope driving in the city isn't a requirement, though. I took the kids up there for spring break and it took me an hour and a half to get out of the city--and that was with a GPS!
  • Tiffany Leigh

    Thanks for finding me here! While my sister was living in Chicago (in Boystown, two blocks from the lakeside), I fell in love with a coffeeshop there named, I think, Intelligentsia. They still to this day sold the coolest oversized travel mugs I've ever seen.
  • Pat Mullan

    Hello Morgan,

    I think I saw a YouTube recently that you made at this year's Love Is Murder in Chicago... I was there two years ago and had a great time ...

    Best, Pat.
  • Elizabeth Dearborn

    Hi Morgan! Thanks for friending me!
  • Lynette Hall Hampton

    Hello Morgan. Thanks for asking me to be a friend.
  • Jeff Sherratt

    Hey, Morgan, I'm not in RWA, but I'm a member of SinC, so I'm not all
  • Brian Thornton

    Hi Morgan- Thanks for the add. Nice to see another MWA member here!
  • Julie Campbell

    Hi Morgan, thanks for the friending. And thanks for letting us on 4ma know about this place. (Not that I need another source of recommendations for books I just have to have.)
  • Carol Davis Luce

    hi Morgan, thanks for befriending me. It's great to meet you.
  • Mark Troy

    Hi Morgan, it's good to meet you. I have a great fondness for Chicago as that's my wife's hometown. She's from the southside, grew up as a White Sox fan but converted to the Cubbies. Me, I'm a Cardinals fan, but still we've managed to get along.