Jonathan Maberry

66, Male

Warrington, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Warrington, PA
About Me:
JONATHAN MABERRY is a multiple Bram Stoker Award-winning author.

His novels includes GHOST ROAD BLUES (winner of the Stoker Award for Best First Novel in 2006), DEAD MAN’S SONG (2007), BAD MOON RISING (2008), and PATIENT ZERO (2009). Upcoming novels include THE DRAGON FACTORY and THE KING OF PLAGUES (St Martins Press) and THE WOLFMAN (Universal Pictures).

His nonfiction works include VAMPIRE UNIVERSE (Citadel Press, 2006), and THE CRYPTOPEDIA (Citadel, 2007 –winner of the Bram Stoker Award for Outstanding Achievement in Nonfiction); and ZOMBIE CSU: The Forensics of the Living Dead (2008). Upcoming books include THEY BITE! (2009) and VAMPIRE HUNTERS AND OTHER ENEMIES OF EVIL (2010).

His first two comics for Marvel –PUNISHER: NAKED KILL and WOLVERINE: GHOSTS will be released in April.

Jonathan is the co-creator (with Laura Schrock) of ON THE SLAB, an entertainment news show for ABC Disney / Stage 9, to be released on the Internet in 2009.

Jonathan is a Contributing Editor for The Big Thrill (the newsletter of the International Thriller Writers), and is a member of SFWA, MWA and HWA. He is a frequent guest at genre cons and writers conferences.

Jonathan is a founding member of The Liars Club, a group of networking publishing professionals that includes bestsellers William Lashner, L. A. Banks, Merry Jones, Gregory Frost, Jon McGoran, Ed Pettit, Dennis Tafoya, Keith Strunk, Don Lafferty, Kelly Simmons, Laura Schrock and Marie Lamba.

Visit his website at or on Facebook, Twitter, Plaxo, GoodReads, Shelfari, Crimspace, Bookplace and MySpace.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Editor
Books And Authors I Like:
Give me a thrill, spin a mystery, or put some bite in it an I'll read it.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
In current rotation: Mad Men, The Wire, The Unit, Scrubs, Battlestar Galactica

Comment Wall:

  • Jonathan Maberry

    Hey folks. I'm currently researching/writing ZOMBIE CSU:The Forensic Science of the Living Dead. I'm interviewing actual crime scene investigators at all levels of law enforcement to discuss how existing and established crime detection and law enforcement would respond to a crime with apparently supernatural elements.

    I'm looking for experts of all kinds. The book is scheduled for release in 2008 from Citadel Press (a Kensington imprint).

    If you have any background in forensics or law enforcement, drop me a line at

    AOL IM: firezone77
  • Jonathan Santlofer

    Wish I could help with your research, but spent the better part of the last 2 years researching forensic art-- not much help to you. Though... come to think of it I wasa lso researching Santeria which led me into unexpected realms of the paranormal, much of it documented (albeit fictionalized) in my recent novel Anatomy of Fear. If you can think of a way this might help you let me know...
  • Anne Brooke

    Thanks for the add, Jonathan - and well done on all your books!

  • Delphine Cingal

    Thanks for the invite.
  • Matthew Ogborn

    Appreciate you taking the time to welcome me into your circle of friends, Jonathan. Sounds like you have a busy old time of it over there in the States and I will try and get one of your books under my belt soon. Which one would you recommend? One, that you are the most proud I suppose. Keep on doodling, Matt
  • J.D. Rhoades

    Zombies rock.

    Thanks for the invite!
  • Elaine Flinn

    The living dead? Hell, that sounds like most of us when facing a deadline. :) You should have little trouble getting feedback.
  • Jordan Dane

    I've dated a few zombies, does that count?
  • Yang-May Ooi

    Thanks for the invite, Jonathan. Wow, with your skills, I wouldn't like to be on the wrong side of you on a dark and lonely night! Re zombies, there'sa Graham Greene novel set in Haiti that touches on the local rituals relating to magic etc, I think. I can't remember which novel that is but remember being fascinated. Not directly related info to what you are asking about but thought I'd mention it. Also not directly relevant but in the arena of superstitions etc, in London a few years back the headless torso of a young African boy was found in the Thames ("Adam")- detectives investigating discovered a chain of evidence taking them back to Africa and black magic related rituals and belief rooted in native folklore there. Newspaper reports etc of that might be useful for you?
  • Karyn J. Powers

    Jonathan, thanks so much for the invite. (Respectful bow)
    I have a series character named Casey Blue who runs the Blue Dragon Tae kwon do Dojo with her Korean boy friend, Jae Sin Lee. Hope to launch these two in the next 18 months. Sorry to say the only Zombie research I have done is interviewing sixteen year olds for their first summer job.

    I would bet that CSI would be fascinated and terrified by a "dead body" that attracts no insects, or an exsanguinating wound that does not bleed. Best wishes!
  • Sandra Scoppettone

    Hello J.
    Thanks for the invitation. I think people will be using YOU for help. Glad you're here.
  • Elizabeth Dearborn

    Hey Jonathan, thanx for friending me ... supernatural folklore, huh? I used to live in a haunted house. The ghost was friendly & I was happy to live there.
  • Jannie Balliett

    Hi Jonathan, and thanks for the invite! As Karyn said "respectful bow" as well....or I could be more original and say "hat off to you with a spin of my cane"...

    Congrats on all your all your books and awards. You are a mentor along side on my other mentor,
    Dean R. Koontz (I am a thriller write-- no zombies yet)..
  • Lois Karlin

    Crimespace is certainly broadening my circle of friends beyond Sisters in Crime! Darkness, eh? Does my newly-autographed copy of Lisey's Story count? I'm just dipping a toe into the genre....
  • I. J. Parker

    Hi, Jonathan. So tell us about your mysteries.
  • Jonathan Maberry

    Hello all!

    I've been on Crimespace for about an hour and I've already made some incredible contacts...and new friends. This site is a wonderful find!
  • Larry W. Chavis

    Jonathan, thanks for the friending. Very impressive profile, you've been busy! ;-)
  • Jonathan Maberry

    In answer to a couple of comments... the book I'm doing is geared more to the George Romero Night of the Living Dead sort of critter rather than the Haitian zombie. I alternate between pop-culture nonfic and more serious fiction.

    My second novel, DEAD MAN'S SONG (the middle book of the Ghost Road Blues trilogy) hits stores July 3. It's a supernatural thriller; and I was fortunate to have blurbs from a number of my favorite mystery authors: Tess Gerritsen, Ken Bruen, Stuart Kaminsky, Steve Hamilton, David Housewright, John Lutz and others.
  • Jonathan Maberry

    Just an FYI...I'm not looking for zombie experts...what I need are experts in any aspect of forensics.
  • Dennis Leppanen

    Hi Jonathan,

    Thanks much for the invite. A Bram Stoker winner, that is impressive. I'm going to check out your website, later.

  • Jannie Balliett

    Hi again Jonathan-- visited your website and joined your Yahoo! list, then visited your MySpace and added a request to be your friend (BTW- I absolutely love Batman Begins!) and was impressed with your profile. A King fan I am, (too) and going to visit your list of sites today. You have so many interesting places to visit!
  • mary christian

    Hi Jonathan

    Nice to meet you. I'm working like mad on my next book, The Killing Club. I'll get back to you, soon. Mary Christian
  • Jonathan Maberry

    Since you mention Stephen King... I got to meet him at the Edgars last week. Helluva nice guy. We congratulated each other on the Stoker wins -he took Best Novel and I got Best First Novel.
  • Lesa Holstine

    Welcome to Crimespace, Jonathan. Congratulations on your Bram Stoker Award, and, on meeting Stephen King!
  • LJ Roberts

    Hi Jonathan. Thank you for inviting me. Why does Google have your site blocked? I'm intriqued by your interest in folklore.
  • Chris Redding

    Wow. Thanks for friending me.
    I'm originally from Havertown PA. Went to PSU. Go Lions!
    Put your Ghost Road Blues on my must read list. Love to read stuff set in Pennsy.
    Most of my stuff is set in NJ where I live now.
  • Mary L. Wheeling

    Hi, Jonathan. Thanks for befriending me!
  • Jonathan Maberry

    The Google warning is old. Someone had hacked in and put a virus there but my web guru removed it. It takes a few weeks for Google to remove the warning. If you type the actual URL into your browser you'll go there and no warning flags will pop up.
  • Deborah Pesa

    Thank you for the invite, Jonathan!
  • Dorien Grey

    Good Lord, Jonathan!

    What do you do in your spare time? I'm truly impressed and look forward to learning even more about you and your work.

    Best Regards,

  • JackBludis

    Impressived resume of a man who's serious about his craft. Good quote on books and authors you like.
  • Jonathan Maberry

    'Spare time'? Um...I've heard of that, but I'm not quite sure what it is.
  • Pat Mullan


    A real pleasure to meet you. Perhaps one day in person.

    Slan, Pat.
  • bill bedenbender

    Hey Thanks for the Invite!!! I am a fan of the paranormal and such, so I will be sure and check your work!!
  • FM McPherson

    Thanks for inviting me, Jonathan. Exciting to see your interests. I'm redesigning my websites at the moment, but I'll be sure to put a link to your vampire and cryptology books in my fiction site when I'm done.
  • Merrill Young

    Thanks everso for the invite.
    When I need a break from crime fiction, I lean toward the paranormal.
    Nice to have a new author to try.
  • Marie Claude Gagnon

    Thanks for the invite and congratulations for the Bram Stoker award :o) I've added your books on my TBB list :o) Looking forward for it :o)
  • David Terrenoire

    Thanks for the invitation, Jonathan. As a former keystone stater, I'm interested in your book. Rural Pennsylvania can indeed be creepy.
  • Robert Freemyer

    Thanks for the invite. Hopefully I'll have something to say after my protagonist shuts up.
  • Miss DaMeaner

    Love your mug!
  • Jeff Sherratt

    Hi Jonathan, Vampires and ghosts on Crimespace, terrific!
    Thanks for the invite.
  • LaTanya Pattillo


    Thanks for inviting me. Martial arts- excellent. Ever practice Capoeira?

  • Jonathan Maberry

    Yep...vampires and crime fiction do make a good blend. A couple of reviewers have (kindly) referred to Ghost Road Blues as "Silence of the Lambs meets Salems Lot".

    I've actually completed the trilogy and am now working on a non-supernatural counter-terrorism thriller. answer LaTanya, I haven't practiced Capoeira myself but I have a number of close friends who are capoeiristas. Love the art.!

  • John Foxjohn


    Thanks for the friends request.
  • Tony Burton

    Jonathan, thanks for the invitation! As Hakko Ryu jujutsu was my introduction to the martial arts, I have a soft spot for fellow jujutsuka. (Preferably a soft tatami mat!)
  • Charles Kelly

    Jonathan, Cryptopedia Magazine sounds very cool. When I was a kid, I loved ghost and horror stories. M.R. James was a favorite.