
, Female


Profile Information:

Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
About Me:
I have been an avid reader since a very early age. The first books that I collected were the Famous Five mystery series by Enid Blyton

I love most genre's except westerns and horror. If murder can be incorporated into whatever genre I am reading so much the better.

So basically I will read murder mysteries that have romance, comedy, travel, paranormal and science fiction. Some would say I am not a mystery purist as I don't exclusively read mysteries - and I would have to agree.

I love books that make me think, make me cry and make me laugh. If I can get all of them in one book - so much the better.

I am inclined to the cosier end of the mystery genre - but will gird my loins and read something meatier if given a good reason.
Books And Authors I Like:
Work in progress:

Brian Kavenagh, Enid Blyton, Val McDermid, J K Rowlings, Minette Walters, Stephen Booth, Ann Cleaves,

There are more - but these fill in the space nicely for now

Genre I like - well mystery DUH!!! but I also enjoy any genre except westerns and horror (mind you I like the softer paranormal stuff with a bit of humour and romance thrown in). I do tend to go to the softer end of murder mystery, more comfortable with the tea and cats than blood and guts. But having said that there are quite a few 'blood and guts' authors that I read as they are great writers.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Movies: The Queen, All the Harry Potter movies, Ice Age (the first one)

Shows: Frost, Inspector Rex, Lost

Comment Wall:

  • Kerrie

    Hello Sally. Good to see you here. Hope it doesn't make your computer freeze or crash
  • Patricia

    Sally how nice to see you here, this certainly is turning into a busy place
  • Helen

    Yay, Sally, you made it!
  • Fran Read

    Hooray! You got here!!
  • LC Fraser

    Hi Sally! Awesome number of 4MAers on here. Hope you have fun too
  • Karen from AustCrime

    Dear me - look at all these smiling faces - yeah like I'm going to fall for peer pressure :)

    Welcome Sally - keep holding your tongue the right way and that computer of yours will co-operate.
  • Merrill Young

    G'day Sally!
    Loed only knows how long we'll be able to keep this up!
  • Brian Kavanagh

    Hello Sally. Here we go again!
  • sally906

    Hello everyone - now I have to go and discover the mystery of the forums!!!!
  • Mary Saums

    Cheers, Sally!
  • Rose

    Hi Sally.
    Good to 'see' you here. Don't know why others have problems with their computers and this site. No worries here.
  • Sylvia Matthews

    Hi Sally, glad your computer finally cooperated. Have fun and I'm sure we'll run into each other around here.
  • Pari Noskin Taichert

    Thanks for the friend invite. Great to see you here, too.
  • Laura Benedict

    Hi, Sally. Thanks for adding me! I love to meet folks from other parts of the world. I hope I get to come over there sometime....
  • Leigh Redhead

    Hey sally, wow, you have all three? That's what I like to hear. Hope there's not too much blood and guts for you, but rest assured there is a rather nice kitty cat in Cherry Pie.