
67, Male

United States

Profile Information:

Northwest Ohio
Books And Authors I Like:
Jim Thompson, James M. Cain, Charles Willeford, Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Patricia Highsmith, James Sallis, Jean-Patrick Manchette, HP Lovecraft, Philip K. Dick, Thomas Pynchon, Don DeLillo, David Foster Wallace

Comment Wall:

  • Tribe

    C'mon...I'm slowly going outside again...
  • Patricia Abbott

    Why didn't occur to me I could put June Carter's picture instead of mine?
  • Christa M. Miller

    Tribe's here! Let the party begin!

    Missed you, dude. How have you been?
  • Tribe

    Hell, now that you mention it Patti, I should've used June Carter's pic.
  • Laura Benedict

    Hey, Tribe. Thanks for the party invite! Did you get my request? Just when I thought I had myspace figured out....I'm such a moron! Is that pic really Johnny Cash? P just downloaded his last album. Love it!
  • Bill Cameron

    Hey, Tribe! Good to see ya! What a handsome mugshot!
  • Daniel Hatadi

    I see you've Tribified your page. Nice. And thanks for coming on board and throwing up all the cool vids. :)
  • Patricia Abbott

    That's the next movie on our Netflix per my son's advice although he said any attempt by him to describe it would lessen the experience. Am I right to be scared?
  • Tribe

    Patti, it's not scary...but it is pretty strong in terms of excitement. I think you'll dig it.
  • Jennifer Jordan

    Actually meeting Tribe and Mrs. Tribe was the highlight of my Madison B'con experience.

    You are writing more ficiton, yes?
  • Mary L. Wheeling

    Thanks for the invitation to crimespace, senor.
  • Julia Buckley

    Hi, Tribe. Thanks for being my cyber friend. Now I know what my teenage students experience firsthand--the new social world. Now I just need someone to take me to the Crimespace cyberprom. :)
  • Julie Morrigan

    Hi Tribe, thanks for the invite : ) Love the page - must do something with mine...
  • Jeri Westerson

    Tribe, dude! What have you gotten me into? Looks keen here, though. I'll see how it goes. But that's three frickin' blogs I'll be writing now. I'll have to start making shit up soon. ;-) Thanks for the invite!

    Jeri Westerson
  • Lori G. Armstrong

    Sigh. Another page envy. Nice one though. And *are* you writing fiction, Tribe?
  • Tribe

    I've done nothing productive in months now...
  • Paul Guyot

    Sure you have. You posted an RL Burnside video.
  • Vince Keenan

    Tribe! Good to see you here. Keep those videos coming.
  • Sandra Ruttan

    You're entirely too techno-savvy - you must be a teenager.

  • Lori G. Armstrong

    Yeah, tribe you dropped the I've been married 4 times bomb and no details? Whats up with that?

    Or was it four times to the current Mrs. Tribe?
  • Tribe

    I'm just a firm believer in the institution of marriage...
  • Daniel Hatadi

    Now THAT'S a profile photo.
  • Christa M. Miller

    That's a rather disturbing avatar. I think it's the creepy lights reflecting off the glasses (though the full size version is less creepy than the thumbnail). Messed-up eyes freak me out the most.

    Just random morning blather. Don't mind me.
  • Laura Benedict

    Hey, Tribe--May Day's not for another six weeks!
  • Laura Benedict

    I've only been married three times. You win.
  • JackBludis

    You sure do attract attention ... what were all of those retro book covers I saw?
  • Katt Dunsmore

    Hey Tribe!!! How's it??
  • Elizabeth Dearborn

    Hey Tribe, great to see you again!
  • Jeff Shelby

    I think you should go with a pic of Joe Charbonneau...
  • Miss DaMeaner

    I don't know about Paul McCartney but I love barbequed Wings.
  • Patricia Abbott

    I see lots of places are picking Cleveland for first place. What do you think? P.S. Lives of Others was outstanding.
  • Jennifer Jordan

    Ah, hell. Your page is sooooooo cool and mine is just.... bright.


    I must amend this.....
  • Donna Moore

    Tribe - I've just spent a very pleasant lunchtime brwosing through your wonderfully eclectic selection of videos. My work colleagues are not happy with you though...but I ask can anyone NOT sing along to The Pogues' Sally MacLennane? It's hardly my fault is it? :o) We seem to have a similar CD collection - Cornershop, Norman Greenbaum and Mr E's Beautiful Blues...
  • CT

    Oh my, Paul McCartney and Wings, that's a bit desperate, Tribe, but thankfully you finally found your way home with Patti.
    Hi hello
    Wake from thy sleep
    God has granted
    Thy soul to keep
    All of the power
    And all of the gain
    Is entwined
    In a single
  • Donna Moore

    That Pretty Polly is SUCH a noir song.

    By the way, you did SEE the band in The Fratellis' video I assume? And not just the babes!
  • Patricia Abbott

    I have to tell you. This picture tells me you really need some sleep.
  • Daniel Hatadi

    Charley Patton on a goth-themed page. Now there's something I never thought I'd see.
  • Laura Benedict

    Tribe is my friend.
  • Julie Morrigan

    Hey, Tribe - it looks like I missed your birthday. I hope you had a good one. I'll be sure and raise a glass to you at the next available opportunity. Cheers!
  • Daniel Hatadi

    Tribe, we need your music! Or at least, I do.