

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am the author of more than 70 published novels and novellas, and almost 900 published stories in various genres and sub-genres. My best works are private-eye mysteries under my own name mysteries set in various historical periods. New issues and reprints will be out shortly from Pageturneditions.com

As all writers, I am also a reader.

This updated on 9-8-2011
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
http://Jackbludis.com But crimespace tells you what you need.
Books And Authors I Like:
Chandler, Hammett, Ed McBain, Hemingway, Faulkner, Joyce, James Lee Burke, Cormac McCarthy; the Moe Prager series and the latest two Robert B. Parker's by Reed Farrel Coleman, and Richard Helms (the novelist not the spy), Laura Lippman, Vicki Hendricks, Megan Abbot--and indispensable for a writer, "Strunk and White's, The Elements of Style." And how did I forget Will Shakespeare the first time around? Him too. And may I also add Steig Larsson of "The Girl who ..." Series, may he rest in peace.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The Big Bang Theory, Casablanca, Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, Murder My Sweet, the Godfather I, Chinatown, LA Confidential. I never tire of seeing and dissecting Casablanca.

Saturday Night Live--although I don't get all the humor anymore, it's an age thing. This show for 40 years has kept up with what 20-somethings are laughing at. It has also turned out some damn good actors as well as comedians. The constant reruns are a drag because topical material out of date is stale.

Favorite Networks AMC, TCM, TNT, and USA.

Letterman, yes. Leno, no. The Daily Show, and some things on the History Channels (The first time I see them.)

Comment Wall:

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  • Daniel Hatadi

    If you're talking about private messages, in the effort to cut down spam, Ning made it so that you can only send messages to friends.
  • Morgan OReilly

    Yes, I attended my first writers convention, Bouchercon, this weekend. Even had Mr. Whitekeys and his band sing a song for my birthday last night.

    Were you in attendance? I'm sad to say my knowledge of current crime scene writers is not up to snuff, but this weekend helped set me on the road to correcting that.

    Thanks for adding me as a friend. I can always use more friends.
  • Morgan OReilly

    I met Simon, last night in fact, just before the dinner. He wouldn't recognize me by this name or photo lol! I'm a tease, I admit it.

    Ah, it was a good party and everyone was great. I'll be digging through my bag of books and coming up to speed on my reading soon. Edits come first, then fun reading.
  • Morgan OReilly

    I rarely watch TV anymore. DH is the one who turns it on. I find it ruins my concentration and my productivity takes a nose dive when it is on. I also have little control over the content when it is on.

    As for my website, lol, well, that's all up to me. You'll be updating yours soon? Your appearances dates just ran out.
  • Jane Cleland

    Oh, I know some others! I just found a great Trav web site: http://www.jdmhomepage.org/index.html.html
  • Linda L. Richards

    Thanks, Jack. And thanks for the welcome!
  • Joseph Pittman

    Hey, Jack. Thanks for writing--glad you like my ID. My publisher did such a great job on the cover; too bad the entire cover isn't visible, but it's a nice tease, huh?
  • ruth

    Hi Jack, thanks for the invite. I am finding this site houses some amazing and interesting people. I sure am enjoying the comments and "blogs". I'll keep checking back.
  • Eddie Vincent

    Hi Jack,
    Thanks for the invite.
  • Eddie Vincent

    Thanks Jack, I appreciate the nice comment.
  • mike D

    A House fan is an awesome person immediately. And yeah, the writing on that show is top notch....probably the best written show right now...
  • Craig McDonald

    Hi Jack,
    So glad you enjoyed the videos. I'm still trying to figure out who the hell that woman is in the Spillane clip...
  • Eric Eckert

    Hi, Jack:
    Thanks for the invite. I'm looking forward to what this site has to offer. I also look forward to interacting with you and others.
    My best,
  • Debbi Mack

    Hey Jack,

    Yeah, I've discovered him. I guess his winning the Pulitzer might have helped a bit . . .

    I'm looking forward to seeing "No Country for Old Men" as a movie. The fact that the Coen Brothers made it will be frosting on the cake.

  • Debbi Mack

    Yes, there are. Seems like a good place to "meet" people.
  • Janet Rudolph

    Yes, I have the task of announcing, cajoling, and doing general publicity for many of the conventions. I'm on the LCC2009 Hawaii committee, but I help out with the others when I can. Hope to see you in Hawaii! and maybe Denver? I know you're on lots of lists, so I feel like I know you.
  • Lillian Porter

    Enjoy your posts on 4MA. Good to put a face to your name
  • pam ward

    I had that book in my hot little hand Sunday and put it back because I remembered I had a 30% off coupon at home. I will go back and get it. Thanks for the add.
  • Sophie Littlefield

    What an honor to "meet" you! I know you by reputation (and from your posts) and will check out your current stories online. Thanks so much for saying hi, and I'm glad we share some favorite authors. :)
  • Troy Nelson

    Honestly, I haven't really been keeping up with my C.S.I.'s this season, and I'll have to agree with you on the SNL comment. I haven't found that show funny for about 15 years. That would put me right at 20, so you hit the nail on the head.
  • Troy Nelson

    Thanks for adding me!
  • Todd Robinson

    Well, it has to be the right kind of banana, of course.

    Sadly, I wasn't kidding about my film tastes. They're both guilty pleasures that I've carried with me since the Saturday Double Feature days on channel 56 back in Boston.
  • Nikki

    I've just read your 'Confessions of a Hack' with interest - and it does of course beg the question; 'Did the African Gray Parrot say anything else?'

    As for Lost and Heroes, quite possibly generational and I'm probably way too old for it - that wont stop me watching the 'Heroes' season finale with a glass of Vino this evening though!! (I would of had a can of lager in my yoof)

    Look forward to chatting with you Jack.

  • Ana Dziengel


    I'll check out your stuff, even if you are a self-proclaimed hack!
    Glad you like the blog!
  • Troy Nelson

    Have a great weekend!
  • Persia Walker

    Hi Jack, we met briefly at some writers' event. I think ... I think it was at Bouchercon in Toronto a few years back. Wow! Thanks for reaching out to me!

    Anyway, yes, I do love Maugham. I can't understand why he's forgotten. His psychological portrayals of colonialists, the evil that's mistaken for urbanity and that hides behind "respectability," his short story thrillers -- they all had me, still have me enthralled. Of course, I'm also a big fan of Hammett, Chandler, and company, too. I write about the 20s because I guess I'm basically a nostalgia buff. I've tried writing a couple of contemporary "krimis," but I'm just drawn back to the "old stuff."

    Wow! Jack Bludis wrote to me. I can't believe it!
  • JackBludis

    Hey, you've been published by NAL. In more than 40 novels, I've never been published by a biggie.

    I know how your feel about historical ... it gets me too.

    We may even have been on a panel together.

  • Sarah M. Chen

    Thanks for inviting me as your friend. Loved your "Confessions of a Hack" statement. I'll have to check out your writing because I have a feeling it'll be right up my alley.
  • Morgan Hunt

    Good to hear from you, Jack. I admire your eclectic taste. And I, too, adore old Bogart movies.
  • JackBludis

    Some call it eclectic, some acuse me of having hodge-podge taste. You say potato ... eh, you get the idea.
  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks for the invite Jack, good to know you.
  • Kelli Stanley

    Good to see you, Jack, and thanks for asking! I'm much better ... gotta go back for an x-ray to make sure I knocked out The Big Noo (pneumonia over Thanksgiving).

    I'm working on my new series, and trying to keep my head above water with all else. It's been quite a year ... and ending it with a Spinetingler Award nom has been as wonderful as it was unexpected.

    And I'm looking forward to the Noir City festival in January!

    Hope all's well with you, buddy. Take care, and have a good holiday, OK? I'll be thinking of you at Noir City ...
  • Michelle Gagnon

    Hi Jack-

    Nice catch! You're officially the first person to recognize where those photos were taken. It's funny, I really had those images in the back of my mind when I wrote the opening to The Tunnels.
    Happy holidays and best wishes for 2008-
  • Paul Guyot

    Hey, did you see how close our picks were for the best of 2007? Great minds...
  • JackBludis

    Nope, the cover didn't arouse me, although a lot of HARD CASE CRIME'S covers do. It was a Shamus winner. I'm a sucker for those Shamuses, having been nominated a couple of times.
  • Russ Heitz

    No matter what you write, crap or non-crap, if you do it to the best of your ability it improves your writing long term. And as I've often said before, a competent, professional writer should be able to write just about everything, crap AND non-crap.
  • Jordan Dane

    Happy New Year, buddy. Hope 2008 is wonderful for you.
  • Jordan Dane

    I know you are, bud. I hope this is your banner year. Wishing you all the best in 2008!
  • Darren Laws

    Jack, I'll take that as a compliment. We have some very good graphic designers and an excellent photogrpaher. The book is equally evil in a good thrilling sense. Best wishes for 2008.
  • Darren Laws

    Jack, I get that sometimes. Something to do with it being a flash driven site. Try www.cnpublishing.co.uk the site has examples from both my books.

    Kind regards,

  • Batya Deene

    Have you watched reality shows though? I suggest a glass of wine, or Scotch, or creme soda...a hassock, lots of pillows to get comfy on, a suspension of disbelief, and a willingness to laugh at the absurdity of "reality." (the latter of which helps get through any day, anyway)
  • Richard Helms

    Joined up today at your suggestion, Jack. Nice community. By the way, Elaine gave me a copy of The Road for Christmas. Can't wait to dive into McCarthy...
  • JackBludis

    Pretty quick work here. There are a lot of serious writers here--many serious readers as well.
    It's a group well worth being a part of.
  • Belinda Mountain

    Alex Kava is a woman! And yes, she's great. Try reading A Perfect Evil...
  • Karen from AustCrime

    Hi Jack - I try to maintain my monthly contribution to the "reading" stakes [vbeg]
  • Gayle Wigglesworth

    Hi Jack, what an impressive writing history you have, I will look forward to investigating your books.
  • Alison Bruce

    Hi Jack,

    Thanks for the add. The thing is about Ed Wood is that it looked like it was a great experience to make as well as to watch. And I loved the mohair sweaters!
  • Dana King

    Thanks for the comment, Jack. It's funny, I sent that comment in on Saturday. On Sunday I threw away a whole chapter of the WIP because I realized it would be better shown (and in a different place) than told. Funny how often serendipitous timing works out here.
  • Alison Bruce

    Yeah, I think you're right - I thought it sounded funny at the time - same thing though, just a different animal...
  • Austin Williams

    Thanks for the comment, Jack. I'm gonna hustle on over to ThrillingDetective and check out "Blondes, Blondes, Blondes" pronto.