Johnny Ostentatious

Profile Information:

About Me:
I write mystery/suspense novels, sometimes with a tint of fantasy. My day job is copyediting for a newswire service.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Publisher, Editor
Books And Authors I Like:
Robert B. Parker, John D. MacDonald (pre Travis McGee), Stephen KIng, Harry Potter series
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Life On Mars, new Doctor Who, X-Files, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Sports Night, Scrubs (seasons 1, 2 + 4), Lil' Bush, new Battlestar Galactica, Torchwood, Saturday Night Live, L Word, Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Comment Wall:

  • PulpStar

    Hey, Ostentatious. Thanks for the invite. Here's pulp in your eye!
  • Lyn LeJeune

    Great with the small press....that's probably the way to go. I did and I will now go to your website.
    My book, The Beatitudes, Book I in The New Orleans Trilogy, will be out in the fall and I am donating all royalties directly to the New Orleans Public Library Foundation. My blogsite has excerpts, recipes, and news, and you can see the many prominent authors supporting me, such as Alafair Burke, Julie Smith, Ken Bruen, and many others. Hope you let me be your friend. Lyn Lejeune.
  • JackBludis

    Yep, John D. Wrote some pretty good pot boilers. I still remember some of the lines. But I like Trav too.
  • Rose Mercer

    Hi Johnny, have you heard of an Aussie comedian called Austen Tashious? Hilarious! Mysteries set in Sydney... let me thing: Peter Corris, Tara Moss, Kathryn Fox, Gabrielle Lord to name a few. Some set in Melbourne by Peter Temple and Kerry Greenwood may be fun too. Let me know if you'd like more information. I used to live in Sydney but have been here in Melb for almost 19 years now.
  • Rose Mercer

    You're welcome... there are so many more but that will do for a start, right? Hope you enjoy them. Shane Maloney has had his books make into TV movies and I must confess I like them better than the books :( Also Adrian Hyland's "Diamond Dove" is making a huge splash. When do you think you may move Down Under?
  • carole gill

    Anybody who calls himself Ostentatious has got to be on my wave length! how ya doing?
    I have a wip and recently did my first draft. I found that I got bored and want to do a seat of my pants more inspired draft next. I'm going to try the fog method!
  • Olav Guldbrandsen

    A Charles Williams book... Try Dead Calm. It was made into a movie a long time ago. still a very modernized version. and nicole kidmans breakthrough movie I think.
  • L.J. Sellers

    Keep writing, keep putting your work out there. And good luck finding a publisher.
  • Adrian Hyland

    HGi Johnny. Thanks for getting in touch. Hope that Aussie slang doesn't tie you up in knots! Good luck with your own work. If you want to get in touch, try me at:
    Warm regards
