Paul McGoran


Newport RI

United States

Profile Information:

Newport, RI (since 2000)
About Me:
I began writing crime fiction in late 2005 under the aegis of NaNoWriMo, which I have completed five times.

Noir is my preferred mode of self-expression, but some of my work is merely medium-boiled. I've created a part-time P.I. name of Stafford Boyle as a means of self-preservation, figuring that a pee eye is one of the few ways to get firmly established in the crime fiction trade. He's a lot like me: somewhat neurotic, awkward socially, smart but not bright - if that makes sense.

In addition to my first novel Made for Murder (New Pulp Press-August 2015), I've completed a sequel entitled The Breastplate of Faith and Love. A collection of my short fiction is called Paying for Pain(New Pulp Press-Dec. 2015). At present, I'm in the middle of my third novel, a Stafford Boyle mystery called Sooner or Later, Delicate Death.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Lawrence Block, Richard Stark (Donald Westlake), Elmore Leonard, George Pelecanos, Robert Crais, Dennis Lehane, Franz Kafka, Henry James
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Born to Kill, The Maltese Falcon, The Band Wagon, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, Dark Passage, In a Lonely Place, Chinatown, L.A. Confidential, The Rockford Files, MAD TV, Reno 911 (so sue me)

Comment Wall:

  • carole gill

    Hi Paul!
    I'm addicted to all things noir!
    Love it, too!
  • carole gill

    Why surrreee!
    And thank you!
    just check your messages in a minute!
  • Tony Black

    Paul -- great to see you here!
    No news on a US deal for PAYING FOR IT but I'll keep you posted.
  • Patricia Abbott

    Hi Paul-I wonder if you'd be willing to write about a favorite "forgotten" book for my blog project in August. You can see it at
    If it's not your thing, I understand. Thanks, Patti
  • Patricia Abbott

    Both would be great if you have the time. It can be as short or as long as you like. Some have just been a paragraph; others probably a page. I can use one of them July 25th and one on August 1. Should your time become limited, just do the one you prefer, the one that comes easier. I really appreciate it. I'm trying to keep it going until a piece in EQMM comes out. So people don't have to say, "huh?" Thanks again.
  • JackBludis


    Welcome to crimespace.

    Thanks for quoting me. My actual definitions are Hardboiled=tough, Noir=screwed--basically in reference to the main characters. There are some pretty good definitions by others. In terms of noir, Eddie Muller, an expert on film noir, says, "Noir starts out bad for the lead character and get's worse." That's a paraphrase. Jim Doherty, the v.p. of the short mystery society says that noir is "Dark and sinister." I think that includes a little too much, like supernatural horror, but Jim is a great advocate for his position. Jim also says that hardboiled is "tough and colloqual," I buy that a little more easily.

    Jim and I are friends, but we've had some knock 'em down and drag 'em outs over that.

    As to my own work. My best work is "Shadow of the Dahlia," which is only available at I have a new story, "Lap Dance" available at

  • carole gill

    thanks Paul!
    yeah I redecorate every now and then.
    Decided I just HAD to have the thing all black and white. and guess what?
    the body background is from the opening scene in DOUBLE INDEMNITY! How 'bout that for a little nostalgia?
    good about the discussion I was wondering about that.
    and I'll check out that other thing you mentioned. great and thanks
  • Daniel Hatadi

    Thanks, Paul. Glad you like these digs. :)
  • carole gill

    yes, just went there!
  • L.J. Sellers

    Hi Paul
    I've never seen Elmore Leonard and Franz Kafka in the same list, but they both have an appreciation for the absurd! Best wishes with your writing.
  • L.J. Sellers

    I know, we editors have a reputation for being stuffy. But I developed my sense of humor as waitress (survival skill) before I was fortunate enough to find work as an editor.
    Hang in there with your search for an agent or publisher!