Krystal Waters

60, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Portland, Oregon
About Me:
"Stairway to Hell" a new dark comedy novel that has been out since 2011.

I have "A Fantastic Opportunity" out now and it's ready to buy in any big bookstore or go to BluPhier publishing Co., and order directly off the site. Thanks for all your support!

We all have something within ourselves to make something GREAT. The one thing you have to remember is what the hell is it? YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT IF YOU ONLY BELIEVE.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Keith Spence
Robin Cooke
Stephen King
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Fried Green Tomatoes (Too Wanda)
Beaches (too much like my sister and me)
Inspirational types of movies with a good moral ending!

Comment Wall:

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  • joe miller


    I have around 30,000 on my first draft, but its very raw. I think its a great idea for a story. I get stressed out from work at times and that hurts my creativity.

    Thats the catch 22...Work to live...Live to write..HAHA

    Thanks about the Pic comment. I very happy, Look at my pics...The Miller Girls and my fan club make every problem seem not as big.

    Have any of your stories been published?

    Take care

  • Joanna Campbell Slan


    Tell you what. This is a question I've been asked frequently, so how about if I blog it? I'll be happy to try to help you with any specifics, but I think that way I can organize my thoughts and maybe prove value to others who wonder about publication.

  • carole gill

    Photo will be sent! We just got back yesterday and we're still so tired. I bet the weather is great where you are. We were really lucky though. Sunny since Sunday! Major cause for celebration! I'll send you the photo. all the best.
  • Mark Coggins


    Nice to meet you as well. Hope the writing/marketing process is going well for you.
  • David L. Hoof

    Hi, again, Kristine
    I'll struggle to avoid saying anything too obvious or stupid. Personal trauma's, deep ones, are hell to write about. Easiest, if it's cheap and private therapy you need, is to do a diary or journal, getting down the really raw stuff -- it's only for you. But if you consider that Vonnegut took seventeen years to get the distance and clarity he needed to write Slaughterhouse Five for others, to inject them into his experience, that's probaly typical. I'll warn you I'm a nut about words, so I risk scolding you about ambidexterous, which literally means having the same right handedness at the ends of both arms. That would look funny. But if both hands are equally facile with objects, ambichiral would be better (dexter is Latin for right, chiros is Greek for hand). I do that same thing for elevators, which are really verticulators, they got down as well as up. Anyway, twins. Thomas Bouchard at University of Minnesota has done the groundbreaking work on identical twins raised separately, and common 'expressions' or 'preferences.' And identical twins are probably the first to dismiss astrology and horoscopes, which say they will both have the same experiences in the upcoming day (0r week). Fat chance. Advice: don't let anyone pry. Give what you want to, hold back the rest.

  • Brenda Chapman

    Hi Kristine - I didn't see the movie Freaky Friday and do not know which actress you think I resemble. My husband thinks I look like Stockard Channing, which is ok! I'd be happy to answer any questions about getting published although good writing, perserverance and luck have to combine.
    I also have a nephew with autism and he's such a neat kid - just finishing grade 12. I'm sorry to hear your nephew is having such a rough go and hope they get it sorted out soon.
  • Carla Harker

    As for how to find an agent, it just takes an awful lot of work to find someone you click with. There are a couple of websites that I've been told are very helpful in terms of getting out a lot of query letters at one time - rather than one at a time. Christa Faust, who is on here also, recommended one called You need to get to it by first going to, then clicking the link to bookblaster (for some reason it doesn't work to go straight to bookblaster.) It costs $99, but can send out 400 or more queries for you - which will save you money and lots of time - in the long run.

    No, no, no, no, no! Do not use a query blaster. Never use a query blasting service. You must do the work of personalizing the query letters to agents. I recommend you read agent blogs, like Miss Snark (anonymous agent; blog is retired but information is still pertinent), Pubrants (Kristin Nelson), Nathan Bransford, and Writer Beware (A.C. Crispin and Victoria Strauss). I know Miss Snark and Writer Beware have talked about Bookblaster.

    If you want more information on how to find agents, email me and I'll point you in the right direction.
  • John Reisinger

    Thanks for the invite and for reading my bio. If you just can't get enough of my antics, go to my website and click on "In Search of the American Sherlock Holmes". It's the true story of my misadventures researching the book.
  • David L. Hoof

    Thanks for reassuring me that I have not made some irreparable gaffe. Funny thing about this forum. As writers we find ourselves dwarfed into media types looking for cute, vacuous sound bytes. Yet if we 'go on' we risk seeming... garrulous, no?
  • carole gill

    Hi, just added a photo of the mower creature my huz built onto my other photos so if you want a real thrill (yawn) you can check it out.
  • joe miller

    Hi Kristine,

    Up late and thought I drop a line.

    I have four kids with two teenage boys....I feel your pain...LOL

  • Joanna Campbell Slan

    That's great! Welcome to the ranks. Who's your publisher? When does it come out? Spill all!
  • Eric Stone

    Hey Kristine, that is great news. Congratulations! Ditto the questions from Joanna.
  • carole gill

    Hi so thrilled for you! the best of luck and you go for it kid. i'll be you couldn't sleep. i just came online--internet not working all day. or i would have answered you sooner. all the best. here's to you!
  • carole gill

    thanks for that. i didn't like england at first, i was homesick, but then i got so attached to it. no it's not our house, ill see you photos some time, nothing special the house i mean, but we border farms and we have a great big bag yard for the doggies. by the way, one is pregnant and will give birth the end of august the other is the dad! i'm so excited and nervsou. will post photos as soon as it happens.
    yeah, some work of art that lawn mower thingy. but it's his life, just about. yawn.
  • Eric Stone

    That sounds great. But you'll be amazed at how much of the PR work you end up having to do yourself - if you want it to get done well, or at all. And be careful with contracts, since you don't have an agent with a contract specialist to go over them for you, you really ought to have a lawyer go over them for you. It is way too easy to inadvertently give away stuff that you don't need to or shouldn't No matter how nice the editor at your publisher is, remember that the contracts were put together by lawyers working in the company's service, not yours. You really need to be careful to protect yourself. I've been through three book contract negotiations and two movie option negotiations so far. I'm no expert, but if you want some advice or referrals feel free to send me a non-public message.
    Still, it's all very exciting, to say the least.
  • Joanna Campbell Slan

    Sounds great. Good for you.
  • carole gill

    Will post pics of puppies as soon as possible. Not due for another two weeks. Hope some of your success rubs off on me! so thrilled for you. all the best!!
  • Steven Dunne

    Hi Kristine
    The very best of luck in your search for a publisher. Hope it's easier over there than over here.
  • Scott Nicholson

    no, I ain't stalkin ya, I just found out about this here consarned site and thought I'd kick over a few patties and see if i could find some clues
  • Krystal Waters

    Calling out for Kevin Connolly!! =)
  • carole gill

    Thank you Kristine. Are you sleeping okay? still walking on clouds I bet! as for Penny and the puppies. Goodness. its two weeks to go now. so nervous. we're going to get things ready this weekend. a whelping box and other things. people say that Penny will do it all herself but with me on hand--but I am terrified! I might keep my husband home from going to work if she looks close (scratching on her bedding). I'll keep you updated! don't worry!
  • Steven Dunne

    Thanks and congrats on your publishing deal. REAPER is not released in the States but may be available from internet booksellers - it's available from the UK arm of Amazon so who knows. You tell me.
    The full title is :-
    Reaper: Coming Soon to a Family Near You
  • Harry Shannon

    Howdy back
  • joe miller


    Congratulations on your book....Great News

    Luck to you and the family

  • joe miller


    I remember those days of looking cool and long hair....
    Well, I still like to look cool...HAHA

  • Krystal Waters

    Someone is messing with myspace account and I have a link from myspace to here on it. If you get a strange message please let me know.
  • joe miller


    Just stop by to say hello.

  • Rick Mofina

    Hey there Kristine
  • David L. Hoof

    We had a good exchange a ways back. I just wanted to let you know that e mails sent through crimespace to me are, for some reason, getting dropped. If you need to reach me for any reason, just use

  • David L. Hoof

    Actaully, Kristine,
    I'm off for two weeks to the Grand Canyon and Zion and will pick up after that. As much of this area is a cell phone dead zone, it should be an interesting experience.\

  • Cheryl Norman

    Congratulations on having your first book published! I wish you much success.

  • joe miller

    Great to hear from you. I log on at night while writing. Congrats on your book...great news.
    Stay in touch
  • Eric Stone

    Congratulations! When is the book coming out?
  • Scott Nicholson

    No, you never make money on any of them!
  • Eric Enck

    Hello Kristine...I hope your worries are over or at least minimal...
  • Eric Stone

    Hi Kristine, yep, getting excited, although I'm leaving for Alaska on Saturday to spend 10 days running in terror from bears and moose before Bouchercon, then returning to L.A. to begin the big book tour. This will be my third book tour and I still enjoy them. Nothing wrong with driving around the country chatting with people at bookstores. Although all that sitting in the car and eating roadside food doesn't do much for my health or waistline.
  • Eric Stone

    Hi Kris,
    Nice new pic. Glad to hear that all's going well with you. I'm still in Anchorage in the waning moments of Bouchercon. Been haning out a bit with one of your fellow Portland authors - Bill Cameron.
  • carole gill

    hi kristine, you look so different! Nice photo, though.
    Did you see the video I put up of the puppies?
  • joe miller

    Hi Kristine,
    Congradulations on your book.
    I'm working on a proposal for an editor that I met at the GRW conference.
    Thanks for the message

    Take Care
  • joe miller

    I'm about to send off a proposal to a agent that I met at the GRW Conference. Any advice for a rookie...

    I have four kids with two teenagers...Please feel sorry, two teenagers, for me at this momment...LOL
    Hope you have a great holiday with your family.

  • Steven Dunne

    Hi Kristine
    Hope you're well. I'm pleased to say Reaper is now available in the States on at $16.99. In advanced search type Dunne for author and Reaper for title. Hope you take a look and spread the word.
    Best wishes
    Steve D
  • joe miller

    Thanks for all of your advice on proposals. agents, etc. I'm sending off this weekend, we'll see how it goes.

    Hope you and your family are happy and safe this holiday.

    Take Care
  • Morgan Hunt

    Hey, Kris,
    Good to see another Oregonian! Do you belong to the Portland Sisters in Crime chapter? Willamette Writers?
    I enjoyed participating in SIC when I lived in San Diego, but Ashland has no local chapter. I'm speaking at the local WW in March. Best wishes with your books!
  • Morgan Hunt

    Oh, lord, I wouldn't expect you (or anyone) to drive five hours to hear me speak! I'm not even talking about mysteries. The group, Willamette Writers, is a generic writing group. They invited me to speak on the use of obscenities in fiction, mainly because I sold an article to Writer's Digest on the topic. (Dec. 2007 issue, "Proceed with Caution") But I assure you, you could get all the info in my talk from the WD article if it interested you, and save a bundle on gas money! Nice to connect with another Oregon writer, though. Keep me posted on your progress.
  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks for your support in the awards Krsitine.

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Kristine,

    Thanks for your comment. I didn't win, but 'The Nemesis Cell' came 6th out of 75 nominations in the mystery novel category and 'Murder, Mayhem and Mexico' was placed 9th out of 128 in the anthologies category, so to have two books both voted into the top ten in their respective sections was a remarkable achievement and i'm very happy with that. I also get to display a P & E Top Ten Finalist logo on my work, which may help future sales etc. In fact, a few days after the polls closed my agent secured a print contract for 'The Nemesis Cell' which had previously only been available in e-book format. The publisher concerned also wanted more of my work so my agent managed to negotiate contracts for two more of my novels, so I think the poll did me some good in a real sense.
    I hope everything is going well for you too, and I'll look forward to hearing from you again,

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks again. I've had quite a start to 2008, and with five paperbacks due out this year I'm hoping that at least one of them finds favor with the buying public!

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Kristine,

    Thanks for that. Yes, today the world, tomorrow, the universe (or my own back yard)

    Best regards

  • Sheri Fresonke Harper

    I hope you have a merry Christmas and happy holiday season :) Sheri