Liz Boughton
  • Suffolk
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Liz Boughton's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
Avid reader since the age of 6, many genres but recent convert to crime writing
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
Patricia Cornwell
Sophie Hannah
Stewart P Evans

Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 8:55pm on April 17, 2015, Clara Alber said…

I am writing this mail to you with due respect trust and humanity, Honestly, I must first ask for apology to burden your respected life and for the surprise this letter may be seen to you because we have not been in much communication. But I want you to contact me back for important issue here


At 7:17pm on September 17, 2014, Stewart P Evans said…

Liz, email sent.  You are wise not to do Facebook, I am on it but rarely go there.

I'm not mean!  When Patsy was about to publish her Jack the Ripper book I appeared on the BBC six o'clock news saying that if anyone wanted the actual facts of the case her book might not be the best place to find them.  I agree that she is not a lady to cross swords with but she did send me a copy of her book with a written apology in the front for spelling my name incorrectly.

At 9:04am on September 17, 2014, Stewart P Evans said…

By the way, Patsy Cornwell said that I was being mean to her!

At 9:03am on September 17, 2014, Stewart P Evans said…

Hi Liz, great to hear from you, yes it would be good to be in touch, it was a long time ago!

Are you on Facebook?  How do we make contact?  Stewart.


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