M.G. Tarquini
  • United States
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M.G. Tarquini's Friends

  • Jon Loomis
  • Nancy Thorp
  • Out of the Gutter Magazine
  • A. N. Smith
  • L.J. Sellers
  • John Reisinger
  • Carla Harker
  • Janet Reid
  • John Dishon
  • Peg Herring
  • Karyn J. Powers
  • Dennis Venter
  • Evil Kev
  • Miss DaMeaner

M.G. Tarquini's Discussions

And then this big earthquake happened....
14 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by M.G. Tarquini Dec 18, 2007.


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M.G. Tarquini's Blog

The Concrete Maze by Steven Torres

Luis Ramos, my uncle, left Puerto Rico when the U.S. Army took him out of a college classroom and sent him to bootcamp and from there to Vietnam. In Vietnam, he came under fire a half dozen times, once, in a real firefight that lasted an entire day. He had medals, a knife wound and two bullet wounds....Now he was in my mother's dining room, his hands on my shoulders, looking me in the eyes as directly as I would let him, and crying.

Luis Ramos' daughter is missing and Luis Ramos… Continue

Posted on April 29, 2007 at 7:05am

When you're down and troubled and you need a helping hand

Just log into Crimespace at Ning and tune to the Members Page. It's filled with totally bitchin' people, coolest of the cool, and under every photo (almost) is the phrase 'So and so is your friend'.

I'm totally down on that idea. Totally.

I'd say more, but I'm running out of tissues and the violinists want to go home.

Posted on March 14, 2007 at 1:52pm — 4 Comments

Did I take a wrong turn at the cathedral?

Here I am, a writer of humorous commercial fiction and early member of a community of crime fiction writers. Now what?

Okay, okay, so my protag killed off the bad shakedown dude with a statue of the Blessed Mother. Doesn't mean I write crime fiction. It means I write...humorous commercial fiction where people sometimes get killed.

Should this be my writing blog? Y'all don't do enough whining and moaning and groaning and bellyaching over your own word processors, you gotta… Continue

Posted on March 7, 2007 at 1:06pm — 5 Comments

Where you'll find me...


Hello, everybody.

Posted on March 5, 2007 at 12:05pm — 3 Comments

Comment Wall (39 comments)

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At 8:10am on February 29, 2008, Reed Farrel Coleman said…
I'll be at Poisoned Pen on March 11th. Be nice to see you.
At 1:26pm on February 24, 2008, L.J. Sellers said…
Hi M.G. from L.J.
I don't read nearly enough either. Not from lack of desire though. If I were independently wealthy, I'd spend every winter on the beach in Playa Del Carmen doing nothing but reading. (That is such a happy thought!)
At 3:36am on July 28, 2007, John Reisinger said…
Thanks for the add on. What's the deal with the scorpions? ..or shouldn't I ask?
At 2:42am on July 28, 2007, Carla Harker said…
Thanks for the add. I've always enjoyed your blog comments.
At 2:59pm on April 25, 2007, Karyn J. Powers said…
I'll see your flying scorpions and raise you a limes-disease encrusted deer tick.
At 12:05am on April 4, 2007, Laura Benedict said…
Just dropping by to say "Hi!" M!

(Now, that was hard to punctuate. Technically, there should be a comma before "M." But can't the first exclamation point serve in the comma's place? Hm. Maybe not. Probably should have just used a comma instead, anyway. I use far too many exclamation points!)
At 3:45pm on April 2, 2007, M.G. Tarquini said…
Very nice to meet all of you. Scorpions aren't such a problem since I put sticky tape at all the entrances.
At 8:14am on March 30, 2007, Pari Noskin Taichert said…
Flying cockroaches? Scorpions?

We're so much more civilized in NM.

Of course, there was the time I met a man whose entire left side of his face was swollen.

He'd spotted his toddler about to pick up a scorpion and rushed to smash the animal with a flip-flop. The venom flew back into his face. It looked horrible.

And, yes, you do have a lovely smile.
At 6:38am on March 27, 2007, Carol Davis Luce said…
Hello M.G., it's a pleasure to meet you and be your friend.
At 6:32am on March 25, 2007, Elizabeth Dearborn said…
Hi M.G., thanks for the invite! Humorous commercial fiction ... I love that!

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