Jason Lewis / Garrett Alexander
  • Male
  • Lubbock, TX
  • United States
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Jason Lewis / Garrett Alexander's Friends

  • Jerry Peterson
  • Lori Ford
  • Kemosabe
  • Scarlett Raghallaigh
  • Stacy
  • Alaina Perez
  • Jeffrey Martin
  • Vincent Zandri
  • Benjamin Sobieck
  • Dan L. Coleman

Jason Lewis / Garrett Alexander's Discussions

Crime Publishers
24 Replies

I'm having a beast of a time finding a reputable publisher for my latest project. Is there anyone out there that knows of a decent publisher that is not a scan and slam that can work with me on my…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Vic Aug 20, 2010.

Which serial killers have you found to be most notorious?
6 Replies

I have had a fascination with serial killers for as long as I can remember. Many of them are horrid, many were cunning and extremely smart, and others were thrill killers. I plan on putting a series…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Giles Richard Ekins Jun 22, 2010.

Character Building?
15 Replies

When you begin a new project, do you find it easier to build your characters first, then their environment, or build the environment the characters are in before going into detail about them? I have…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jason Lewis / Garrett Alexander Jun 11, 2010.


Jason Lewis / Garrett Alexander's Page

Profile Information

Rockville, MD
About Me:
I'm a 32 year old male with a fascination of serial killers. I have begun writing a novel based on David Parker Ray, aka The Toy Box Killer. If anyone has any information other than what is available online, or has links to anything pertaining to that case, please let me know. I would like to keep the story as close and tight as possible,
but changes are inevitable, guess.
I am currently in the process of publishing my first novel about my experiences living on the streets. It has little to do with anything crime-related, but the story needed to be told. My focus now is starting a series based on serial killers such as my current piece, and others I plan on putting out in whatever order they may come.
I just completed my project on the Toy Box Killer, which will be out later this year. Wish me luck!
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
I read a lot of Stephen King and Dean Koontz novels. At one time I read a lot of James Patterson, but kind of lost interest there.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Crime shows like Most Evil, the Lockup: Raw series, and anything that deals with the minds of madness.

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At 1:12pm on June 11, 2010, Kemosabe said…
Ill be damned. Ive never run into anyone from my Lewis side because my father never spoke of his father. On my own I found his and my grandmother's graves in Pensacola. How my grandfather got there and married a local is anyone's guess.
At 10:16am on June 11, 2010, Kemosabe said…
Thanks Jason. Good to run into one of my namesakes. My father came from South Alabama and his daddy from Pensacola. Thats as far back as I go.
At 8:00am on June 5, 2010, Jerry Peterson said…
Bounce a character off us.
At 1:19pm on April 22, 2010, Lori Ford said…
Thanks for the welcome. I think all of us are fledgling writers, because we always learn from experience and the other writers who surround us. Glad to find a site that lets us all gather for the ride.

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