time ago I spent a good six months working in fits and bursts on a
short story idea that needed time to percolate. Most stories do,
usually for much less time, but this one was special: it meant
something to me.
I'm talking about religion here.
spent many hours reading books on Zen Buddhism and… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on November 20, 2007 at 8:49am —
What's especially good about these two issues are stories from people like Stephen Blackmoore, Patricia Abbott,… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on November 9, 2007 at 1:42pm —
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As a way of celebrating the joining of the 1000th member, Crimespace is proud to open its first short story competition. The plan is to run
this heist every year, with the entries being crime fiction based
around a theme.
To kick it off, this year's theme is 'Australia'.
How you include it is up to you. Your story could be set in Australia,
have an Australian character in it, or simply mention… Continue
Added by Daniel Hatadi on November 1, 2007 at 3:05pm —
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