Anne Brooke's Blog (90)

Back to the grindstone

First day back at work - argghh!!! Though actually it hasn't been as horrific as I'd feared. I even got all my emails cleared by about 11.30am, which was nice. A ruddy miracle too! And the blessed Ruth had saved me some small chocolate eggs from Easter and left them on my desk as a welcome back, so I could have married her and had her babies there and then. Not only that but she'd left a large chocolate egg in the fridge, so it's like heaven in Student Care Services at the moment. Chocolate…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 17, 2007 at 4:31am — No Comments

Last day of Easter holidays ...

... sigh. Work tomorrow - groan! I always hate the last day of any holiday (even if it's just a weekend and a normal Sunday) but this one's worse; what with conferencing and Easter university closure days, I haven't been in for a lifetime, so tomorrow morning is going to arrive like an unwelcome visitor. With a case. Thank goodness the boss isn't in, so it gives me time to get used to it all again without the need for a false professional face. Not that the boss is horrible - it's…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 16, 2007 at 1:12am — No Comments

Second Amazon review and A Stranger's Table request

Great joy this morning to discover a second five-star Amazon review ( for A Dangerous Man (thanks, Sue! Great pseudonym too!...), which I reproduce…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 15, 2007 at 1:29am — No Comments

Golf, greying and Gifting

A lazier start to the morning today. Feel I might have been coming down with something (pause for swooning ...) but have had a dose of Lemsip and feel much better, thank you. Played golf with Marian before lunch - the course was pleasantly empty in spite of the school holidays. And, pleasingly, the two lads that started behind us were actually slower than we were (rare in today's young male golfer, I have to say!) so we easily pulled ahead. Oh, and I got a par (a par!! Ye gods, the age of…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 14, 2007 at 2:25am — No Comments

Counselling, virtual worlds and a wasp battle

Had to get up at a non-writers time today (ie before 9am - ye gods, how will I survive the length of the day?...) in order to get to my Counselling appointment this morning. We talked about families and church. So no change there then. But I have now got to the point when I realise that, for the moment, I'm not going to go back to St Peter's. And I'm not looking for another CofE church to replace them either. Hell, it feels like a decision, and it also feels as if I'm finally - at least in…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 13, 2007 at 2:44am — 2 Comments

Amazon review and a better writing day

Was thrilled yesterday to get an email from an old school friend whom I haven't heard from for ages - it really made my evening, and my morning today indeed as she replied to my reply, hurrah! We're currently trying to make a date for catch-up, now we're both over our 2006-ish traumas (God, what a year that was ...), so hope I'll be able to see her soon. Not only that but the thrice-blessed woman has actually gone and ordered my books through Amazon - for which huge thanks indeed.…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 12, 2007 at 2:42am — No Comments

Slogging away, with a small glass of Champagne

I'm delighted to say that there's now only about one week (give or take) to go before the Pink Champagne and Apple Juice website ( is launched, courtesy of the wonderful Sue Haywood and her equally wonderful husband, Frank ( It's…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 11, 2007 at 2:31am — No Comments

A review, a lot of laziness and some scribbling

Hell, that's what Bank Holidays are for, surely? I've been soooo lazy today that I haven't even been out of the flat, and I've spent a glorious two hours this afternoon napping on the sofa. Bliss. I am well up there for the shortlistings for the Lydia Languish Lethargy Awards. If they make it an Olympic sport, I'm going for Gold.

I've also been much cheered by a very kind and also very balanced review from Erastes (…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 10, 2007 at 4:19am — No Comments

Saved by the National Trust

Ye gods, but going to church on Easter Sunday was a bloody mistake. I knew the moment I walked in to be faced by countless hordes of people that I really should have stayed at home and - if my mood felt good and the wind was in the right direction - had a few private moments with God. Instead, I had to run the gauntlet of the service whilst wishing I was as many miles away as possible. God only knows why I felt like that - and please don't ask me to explain it as I don't think I can - but I…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 9, 2007 at 3:52am — No Comments

Birds and antiques

Not feeling very well today, I have to say. Seems to be the same, strange sub-flu-ey thing I had a month or so ago. Aches, a deep weariness and something that's not quite a full-blown cold, which comes in waves. Still, at least it's familiar. Or maybe it's the onset of the menopause, and I should expect sweaty nights and long periods of fancying younger men (cue Lord H's cry: how will I tell the difference then?...)? The plot thickens.

Anyway, due to the above we decided to…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 8, 2007 at 6:16am — No Comments

Day with Mother, and murderous locals

Argghhh!! Oh, sorry, that just slipped out. Apologies ... But, hey, I've done my Easter mother visit, so I can be Good Daughter for a while. It wasn't so bad actually, bearing in mind that she seemed unable to stop talking even when I was virtually asleep on the sofa and she was promising to be quiet for five minutes. Which gave Lord H the giggles, I must say. Still, I suppose my stepfather is not big on conversation, so I imagine Mother probably has to get all the words out at once.…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 7, 2007 at 7:01am — No Comments

Michael reaches the Amazon ...

Rather cold-ridden today, I'm afraid, so have been lolling on the sofa with smelling salts pressed to my nose and a wet flannel clutched to my forehead. How charming. I like to think I'm a modern-day Lydia Languish, but fear the true image is more prosaic than that. Ah well. Never put your daughter on the stage.

I was going to do lots of writing, and leap into Godalming to stock up on essential oils and the Surrey Advertiser, not to mention visiting Gladys, but I have done none of…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 6, 2007 at 2:36am — No Comments

The squeezed-out conference attender

Well, I'm back from the AUA ( conference up in Nottingham and feel like a squeezed-out sponge. It was well worth going, but these things are always very intensive and it's great to be back.

This isn't going to be a huge blog, I'm afraid (thank God, you all cry!), as I can barely keep my eyes open, and I still have to (a) wash up Lord H's sausage & chips supper (yummy) and (b) unpack. Not to…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 5, 2007 at 6:13am — No Comments

Golf and some small successes

Some good news this morning - the Bird and Moon 55 word website ( has nominated my 55-word fiction, "When the phone rang", for their Readers' Choice category awards, and you can find the story here:

under the…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 2, 2007 at 4:56am — No Comments

An afternoon with Antony Sher

Last night was great - the Royal Academy's ( "Citizens and Kings" exhibition was wonderful. I felt really calm wandering round. The star picture for me was "The Death of Marat", which took my breath away. I stared at it for ages. It's the one they're using to advertise on the website and which I attempted to be witty about yesterday. Hell, it's had its own back. I couldn't…


Added by Anne Brooke on April 1, 2007 at 6:45am — No Comments

Soggy golf and drunken art

Had a real thrill this morning when Paul Burston ( who edits the Gay Section in Time Out emailed me to say how much he'd enjoyed A Dangerous Man (, as below:

"I finished off A Dangerous Man and I have to say I loved it. Michael is a wonderful…


Added by Anne Brooke on March 31, 2007 at 1:46am — No Comments

Counselling and reviews

This morning's counselling session felt very thoughtful. Or rather I was doing a lot of thinking about how things had been in the past, and how they are now. Kunu seemed keen to get me onto the subject of religion and church, which I suppose had to happen sometime or other. I hadn't been sure how I'd feel about that but, in the event, it was okay. We talked about how and why I'd originally become a Christian, how it had been then and how it was now. Short answer: very bloody different. But…


Added by Anne Brooke on March 30, 2007 at 3:23am — No Comments

Queer Up North and hobnobbing with the stars ... almost

A fairly relaxed day today. It feels soooo good to get my luggage back. Everything feels much calmer, as if I’m really here now rather than being in transit. Hmm. Maybe I do attach too much importance to my things after all. But they’re my things. Thank goodness it’s counselling tomorrow, eh? I obviously need the input.

And the office is glad I’ve got my case, as it means I can finally donate the Madeiran honey cake to the National Office Cake Shortage Society. Hmm. It’s lovely too…


Added by Anne Brooke on March 29, 2007 at 5:06am — No Comments

Luggage? You must be joking ...

Bloody BA. Bloody BA courier. What the bloody hell do they think they’re doing?? Honestly, they’re so thick they couldn’t stuff a bloody luggage trolley up their own arses and turn it. And how I wish I could do the deed for them – that would be sooooo satisfying. We waited up till nearly 11.30pm last night for the non-existent ruddy delivery, and I am shattered today as I then lay awake worrying about it. Their bag-tracking system & website information is…


Added by Anne Brooke on March 28, 2007 at 6:26am — No Comments

The red-lipped phone

Lord H’s alarm failed to go off this morning, but I was only ten minutes late from my planned getting up time, so it could have been far worse. Heck, we probably needed the extra time anyway. Oh, and I must say that last night’s TV production of “Northanger Abbey” was marvellous – a perfect lead and a great interpretation. It really cheered me up. Naturally, that hasn’t stopped the Monday morning post-holiday blues though, but hey there you go.

However, Ruth has cheered me up by… Continue

Added by Anne Brooke on March 27, 2007 at 3:58am — No Comments

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