Dennis Leppanen's Blog (3)


You gotta love 'em & you gotta hate 'em. Our readers pretty much don't want blase'-cliche' or perfect.

Here are two hitmen from Deetroit I learned to love.

From WHOO??

Fisher answered the first knock. Two men stood there as different as night and day. The one doing the rapping stood at least six foot one, and about two hundred and fifty pounds of hard fat. He held a permanent sneer and a cold stogie on his lips. He chewed at the layers of brown tobacco and looked… Continue

Added by Dennis Leppanen on January 30, 2008 at 3:35am — No Comments

Just Write

September 3---Labor Day

I found myself lurking at a writer site, supposed to emphasize crime & mystery. But alas, the stress was on inside bickering and petty misunderstandings.

So let's---Just Write

If there is really a good book out there that you want to read, but—it hasn’t been written yet, then go ahead and write it.

Crime novelist Eugene Izzi’s death remains his most famous mystery. He was found hanging outside the window of his office… Continue

Added by Dennis Leppanen on September 5, 2007 at 1:26am — No Comments

What's Up?

I dropped the bottle of scotch trhee times---count 'em 1-2-3.

I have written for thirty years, omg, it's been thirty years! Without dropping a jug of Scotch. Now, my life is over. I am about to deliver a fictional novel that includes excerpts from the National Police Gazette.

My quandry is; James Ellroy has a working title called the 'Police Gazette'-- -I just learned this today.

Will this cause my publisher to reject the project---or will it be a blessing in… Continue

Added by Dennis Leppanen on May 11, 2007 at 6:33am — No Comments

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