Angela Wilson's Blog (14)

Marketing Blog for Authors

For years, I've been doling out free advice to authors on marketing, PR and promotions. Now, I've taken my knowledge to the blogosphere. is a place where authors can ask questions - and get answers. There are columns on creating marketing plans, virtual tours and more.

Check out the site. Visit Support the site via the PayPal Tip Jar, or by… Continue

Added by Angela Wilson on December 1, 2008 at 2:12am — No Comments

Join the Pop Syndicate Virtual Book Tour

Hey writers!

Pop Syndicate is now a virtual book blog tour host. I am incredibly excited to be able to introduce authors to the more than 210,000 monthly viewers of our site. Authors who would like to participate can contact me directly at authorangelawilson (AT) gmail (DOT) com.

Thanks! And happy promoting!

Added by Angela Wilson on February 14, 2008 at 1:14am — No Comments

Take the Marketing Poll

I'm currently working on a promotions book for authors. Part of the book will include a Q&A section with answers to author questions.

To supplement, I've created a marketing poll at If you have time, check it out - and email your top three marketing questions.


Angela Wilson

Added by Angela Wilson on November 30, 2007 at 10:21am — No Comments

Great book

Am reading Open Me, the debut novel from Sunshine O'Donnell. Oh man, is it great. O'Donnell tackles the cult of wailers - professional weeping women hired to "mourn" at the funerals of the rich and famous. She successfully pairs fact with fiction in a really great read.

Not everyone can do that.

This book is great for book groups. It's got incredible emotional abuse of children, legislative documents and quotes from wailing training manuals that will curl your…


Added by Angela Wilson on July 8, 2007 at 2:15pm — No Comments

Want to review?

Searching for book critics. If you are interested, shoot me a PM, along with a sample of a previous review (could be something from

Added by Angela Wilson on July 8, 2007 at 2:10pm — No Comments

CSI Miami: The Death of Reality

Allow me to preface this post: I do not like Miami. It just happens to be on right now. Again. For the forth time. Or fifth. I've lost count. And how do I know since I hate this cheesy segment of the CSI series? I don't know. That's scary.

On the oft rerun episode of CSI MIAMI tonight (Boavista's sista is kidnapped), the lab had a DNA comparison in less than 60 seconds.

All I have to say about this is ....…


Added by Angela Wilson on July 3, 2007 at 1:23pm — No Comments

Critique Me Update

Critique groups are funny business. I've been in two, one successfully (well, at least at first), and the other, well, let's just say it didn't go so great.

I want to have a group of writers I can trust, but where to find them, I'm not certain anymore.

What makes a good group for writers? Well, maybe I should touch on the things that are not so cool.

  • People you can't trust. I'm not just talking copycats. I'm talking about those people you meet that the pit of your…

Added by Angela Wilson on July 3, 2007 at 1:14pm — 1 Comment

Book Reviews

A few changes at You, your publisher or publicist can now send books directly to me for review on our site. Just shoot me a message and I'll get you my address.

Thanks so much for sending over your work!

Added by Angela Wilson on June 23, 2007 at 12:32pm — No Comments

Intensity Part II: The Epiphany That Took Too Long

I was commenting on Amanda Stevens' blog about dolls when the windows of my brain finally clicked together into something that is so obvious, it's embarassing that it took me so long to put it together.

It's not so much that I didn't know what I was thinking. It was a matter of putting it into perspective - a good example to illustrate what I'm thinking.

Recently, I told you that many books I've reviewed have lacked the intensity expected in thrillers. I've been disappointed…


Added by Angela Wilson on June 13, 2007 at 11:51pm — 1 Comment


I keep receiving thrillers for review that lack intensity. You know, that spark, flare, flash, heart-stopping, nail-biting, can't-stop-turning-the-pages feel of a great thriller novel.

It's not that the books aren't good. They are. (Well, for the most part.) But they lack that fundamental element that makes a thriller, well, thrilling.

I'm seeing a lot of POV shifts - too many within a scene that causes confusion. I'm seeing stabs at omniscient POV. Unfortunately, the…


Added by Angela Wilson on June 12, 2007 at 11:40am — No Comments

Excuses, Excuses

I haven't written a word on my novel in nearly four weeks. Oh, I've thought about said novel. I've written down twists and places that need reformatting. But I have yet to tackle the dreaded scene that haunts me.

I got hung up on POV based on some comments from a critique group. Now, all I can see is POV. I can no longer see the story.

Then, I started a new job. I work weird hours, but the character generation potential is awesome. I broke a tooth, and I mourn the loss of Cape…


Added by Angela Wilson on June 6, 2007 at 1:27am — 1 Comment

You Can't Help But Laugh...

Added by Angela Wilson on June 1, 2007 at 12:20pm — No Comments

Dos and Don’ts of Chatting with Book Reviewers

Being a book reviewer is tough work.

At least for me.

Not only am I an avid reader, but I also write fiction. When I go into a story, I’m searching for not only what works as a reader, but what works as a writer. And when dealing with authors, I’m thinking as a reviewer as well as a writer.

Writers are notoriously sensitive, so when I have to give a harsh review, it’s not easy. But it has to be done. Writers must have thick skins in this business. After all, the biz is…


Added by Angela Wilson on May 30, 2007 at 12:18am — 3 Comments

The Newbie Speaks

I started a new job a few weeks ago, so I cut myself some slack on writing. During my lunch break - typically at Wendy's since the 99 cent menu is all I can afford thanks to gas-gauging - I have some time to focus my thoughts on my characters and plot and where it's going.

Of course, those notes are great when I sit back down at the computer, but time away takes its toll - especially on a story like mine. I have a lot of twists I want to pack into the pages to give readers a…


Added by Angela Wilson on May 28, 2007 at 9:18am — No Comments

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