Cheryl Norman's Blog (7)


Anyone else here at Crimespace addicted to television's CRIMINAL MINDS? I love that show and have seen every episode at least once. It inspires me to write devious plots and horrible villains.

Happy writing!

Added by Cheryl Norman on February 19, 2012 at 7:23am — No Comments

Paying it forward

So many writers have mentored me along my path to publication. I still have much room for improvement and a long way to go, but this past week I discovered something. I also have something to offer! Now it's my turn to guide and inspire beginning writers.

I had the privilege of working with 21 brave souls who'd submitted manuscripts for intense critiquing at the Southeastern Writers Conference (an event I strongly recommend to all…

Added by Cheryl Norman on June 24, 2008 at 7:00am — 3 Comments

It's a fine line...

I've been following this plagiarism business a while now. Today it was announced that Cassie Edwards and her publisher have parted ways over the allegations. Obviously, they are of a different mind regarding fair use. It's brought up the question for us writers: What constitutes plagiarism? A court in England found Dan Brown not guilty in the case of The Davinci Code; and as far as I can tell, these two cases differ only in the fact that Cassie Edwards didn't include a bibliography… Continue

Added by Cheryl Norman on April 20, 2008 at 8:22am — No Comments

Blog Action Day with Camper Cheryl

October 15 is Blog Action Day. Bloggers everywhere are asked to blog about anything pertaining to the environment. This is my opportunity to stand on my soapbox, so humor me. I rarely editorialize, but today I'm making an exception.

I'm sensitive to the environment. I'm not wasteful or destructive. I save aluminum cans, newspapers, and egg cartons for recycling. But I'm tired of being put on the defensive about RVing by folks I call hypocritics. (Hypocritical…


Added by Cheryl Norman on October 15, 2007 at 8:00am — No Comments

High School Class Reunion

I just returned from my high school reunion. Yes, forty years is a long time, and I'd been feeling old and fat in anticipation. I've gained fifty pounds since my skinny high school years, along with wrinkles and sags. I tried dieting this summer in preparation for the reunion, but lost about nine pounds, total. Oh, well, I wasn't deterred. After all, many I'd be seeing were life-long friends. Surely they wouldn't comment on the deteriorated state of my body,…


Added by Cheryl Norman on September 27, 2007 at 4:54am — No Comments

Waxing sentimental...

The month of September has me waxing sentimental. First, hard as it is to believe, my wonderful (Yes, the best guy in the world!) husband and I are celebrating our 29th wedding anniversary. My, time flies when you're having fun.

September, 2007, is also the month in which I'll attend my high school reunion. And it's not my tenth or twenty-fifth. Nope. I won't say which one, but my! Time flies when you're having fun.

There are a number…


Added by Cheryl Norman on September 3, 2007 at 1:00am — No Comments

Writing a Mystery using the 3 Act method

In July I sold another book!

If you've read Restore My Heart, you'll know that one of the hero's siblings is at loose ends at the end of the book. In the ensuing two years, a lot happens and ... well, you'll see. The new book's working title is Reclaim My Life and is a Witness Security Program story. The manuscript is due Dec. 1, and the tentative release date is 2009.

This is one that I haven't actually written yet, so I'll be very…


Added by Cheryl Norman on August 2, 2007 at 11:00am — 2 Comments

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