Christopher Valen's Blog – September 2008 Archive (3)

Crime Pays

If you asked Americans about the societal costs of crime, most would immediately think of street crimes like burglary and robbery. The FBI estimates that those two crimes alone cost the country $3.8 billion a year. And while the costs are substantial, they absolutely pale in comparison to the costs inflicted on society due to corporate crimes.

Health Care fraud costs taxpayers $100 billion to $400 billion a year. Auto repair fraud costs $40 billion a year, securities fraud, $15… Continue

Added by Christopher Valen on September 26, 2008 at 7:47am — 6 Comments


Like the infamous Andrea Yates who drowned her five children in the bathtub in 2001, and Susan Smith who strapped her two toddler sons in a car and then drove it into a lake in 1994, Casey Anthony, the mother of three-year-old Caylee Anthony of Orlando, Florida, may soon join the list of American women who kill their children.

Data suggests that at least once every three days, somewhere in America, a mother kills her children. Postpartum psychosis, impulse killings brought on by rage… Continue

Added by Christopher Valen on September 10, 2008 at 1:07am — No Comments

Anarchists and Mother Nature

Manhole covers spot welded into place. 100 spy-in-the-sky cameras focused on downtown streets. Mobile detection units ready to go. Helicopters set to deploy assault forces. Highway exits leading into the city closed. Fences and barricades built around a no-go zone and a tightly controlled perimeter. Fully armed mobile field force units in place and on standby alert.

Am I describing Baghdad? Nope. It’s my hometown of St. Paul as it prepares for the start of the Republican Convention… Continue

Added by Christopher Valen on September 1, 2008 at 11:05am — 1 Comment

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