As the end of the year approaches, it seems fitting to both look back over avery busy, productive year for Sisters in Crime, and then to look ahead.Here are just a few of the 2007 highlights:
In March, libraries across the nation celebrated the SinC 20th anniversaryby setting up displays highlighting our authors and our organization. SinCsent out almost 2000 packets which included crime scene tape, posters,bumper stickers and more to help organize the displays.

On April 5, the Detective and Mystery Caucus of the Popular CultureAssociation and American Culture Association presented a special Dove Awardto Sisters in Crime to honor our organization's extensive activities insupport of women crime writers. A crowd including founding mothers SaraParetsky and Kate Mattes packed Kate's Mystery Books to watch the ceremony.

September brought the first Sisters in Crime publishers summit, in whichRochelle Krich, SJ Rozan, Jim Huang, and I visited a number of publishingprofessionals in New York to talk about the publishing business and SinC'srole in it. We plan to meet with another set of professionals late inspring, 2008.

In October, Sisters in Crime wrapped up its twentieth anniversarycelebration with the launch of SISTERS ON THE CASE, an anthology of storiesedited by Sara Paretsky. Signings were held across the country.

Forensics University, the first ever conference devoted to the details offorensics, was held in St. Louis in November. Students raved about thefaculty and the curriculum. The St. Louis chapter did a wonderful job oforganizing the event and threaten to repeat it 2 or 3 years down the road.

And what's ahead? We're very excited about our "Mentor Mondays" project, tobe launched in January, 2008. Each Monday, a special guest will stop intoour list discussion to offer advice about their special areas of expertise.Members can join the list by sending an email including your full name

January 7: Margaret Maron
January 14: Paige Wheeler
January 21: Nancy Pickard
January 28: Gary Niebuhr
Feb. 4 -- Margaret Coel
Feb. 12 -- Janet Reid (Note this is a Tuesday)
Feb. 18 -- Madeira (Maddee) James (web designer)
Feb. 25 -- Eve Sandstrom/JoAnna Carl

We will also be hosting a breakfast at Left Coast Crime, and a chapter"flash training" session and a breakfast at Malice. Of course, we continuewith the good work of our monitoring project, our book club project(connecting readers with books), our many trade show booths, offering thebest articles we can find for the newsletter, and many activities at thechapter level. Please visit our website for more details:

I'd like to thank the board and all the other members who work hard to makethese projects possible. We're open to your suggestions and welcome you tovolunteer your services and energy! I'm proud to be a member of Sisters inCrime and delighted to be leading our march into 2008.

Roberta Isleib
Sinc president

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