Reader, writer, memory expert, (check out my website at About Memory -- I also have a blog where I mention broader stuff to do with the mind and personality and stuff like that).

I've also written a YA novel -- an intense, coming-of-age, male-bonding, werewolf-with-a-difference story, inspired, many many years ago, by the movie Teen Wolf. The idea of someone coming to realize he was a werewolf, and his father was a werewolf, really gripped me. But I took the idea and really wandered off somewhere else. This is about ancestral memory and clones and humans other than our own species. I'm writing a crime novel with the same people grown up -- mysteries being what I really wanted to write!

My fiction website has reading lists aimed mainly at fantasy/scifi readers (which is my secondary reading area -- mysteries being my main one of course!), but I'm intending to add a mystery section. I hope to get directed to lots of new authors here -- but I have one big prejudice, which does, I know, cut out a lot of good authors: I hardly ever read books that are stand-alones. I read books for the people in them. If I'm going to meet people I like, then I really want to meet them again. So, I mostly read series. Luckily there are a lot of those! And I am a big re-reader; I like to read my favorite books over and over again.

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