
Is the 'Online now' box killing Crimespace?

I hit Crimespace and see a lot of the time that I am the only soul here. Gets pretty lonely sometimes, so I just move on.

Hate to say it but is that online now box killing this site.

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Comment by Darren Laws on March 11, 2008 at 5:24am
Looks like its the Sharon, Karen and Darren show...anybody else out there!.

Seriously, Karen and Sharon, thank you for your comments. I think you are correct in your thinking and like all other writers out there no matter what time zone we are in (usually own own when it comes to the long night and the blank screen) we are pressed for time and should be using it to write, read and generally be sociable to those we often neglect due to this wonderful occupation. Thank you for your comments and taking the time to look at my website.
Comment by Sharron Houdek on March 11, 2008 at 4:46am
I think Karen is correct. Since we are all on differenct times zones - as in day to night - it seems nearly immpossible for many people to be on at once. And as a writer I find I spend precious moments on the websites I enjoy, such as this but obviously not often. Not for lack of interest, just lack of time. But I enjoyed finding your website and I will try to order your books from Amazon.
Comment by Karen from AustCrime on January 29, 2008 at 2:32pm
It might make a difference if there were interactive facilities here - like a chatroom or similar, but seeing as it's a drop in / respond to a few discussions, or stick in a blog entry or add a photo or whatever community it doesn't worry me how many people are lurking around when I am. But then where I live it's mostly everybody else's tomorrow and the middle of your night [VBEG]

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