My direct flight to Chicago was cancelled due to weather, I've searched for alternative transportation, and now find myself sitting in the Philadelphia airport waiting for a flight to the Love is Murder conference. Whiel I wait, I may as well tell you about another great blog.
Work-in-Progress is a cool place, a blog in which author Leslie Pietrzyk explores the creative process and all things literary. She posts almost daily, and on any given day you might find poetry from an upcoming author, news of a conference you were unaware of or an essay on the beauty of index cards for writers. It's always entertaining and most often useful information.
Leslie recently wrote about the fiction writing seminar coming up February 9th in Washington DC - . She's on a panel about Writers' Blogs, a New Literary Genre. I'll be there too, on a panel about why genre fiction gets no respect. Again, I want to thank Leslie for mentioning me and for the service of letting the world know about this exciting seminar.
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