I've created a group, Mysteryballers, on Yahoo Tournament Pick'em so that mystery writers and readers can compete in selecting the winners of the NCAA college basketball tournament, which will be starting next week. If you're interested in participating, go to yahoo and click on Tournament Pick'em (it may be under Sports). Chose Mysteryballers (our group ID# is 58439 and the password is Sherlock). The brackets will not be available to be filled out until Sunday, when the teams are officially announced.

And U.S. college basketball has gone international--more than 400 players from other countries, including more than 30 Aussies. One team near San Francisco, St. Mary's, has four Australians (not sure if they will make it to the tournament--they are a "bubble" team).


Anyway, I may end up competing against myself, but if you want to join in the fun, please do. No prizes, just a friendly competition.

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Comment by Karyn J. Powers on March 15, 2008 at 1:54pm
They had a good run against Mich today. I hope they can take Mich State manana.
Comment by Naomi Hirahara on March 15, 2008 at 8:17am
Welcome, Karyn. I've seen the Badgers in person (not this year, however). They do look strong.
Comment by Karyn J. Powers on March 15, 2008 at 8:07am
I'm in. Look for Blue Dragon coming on strong. Go WI Badgers
Comment by Naomi Hirahara on March 15, 2008 at 6:51am
Yay, Jeff! It might be just me vs. you., West Coast vs. East. If you have problems signing up after the bracket announcements on Sunday, send me an e-mail.
Comment by Jeff Markowitz on March 15, 2008 at 6:44am
Sure, I'll play along if I can find the group on yahoo. Sounds like fun.

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