I’m heading off to Toronto this week for the World Horror Convention.

I’ll be doing:

- A signing with the fabulous Sarah Langan, author of the truly terrific debut THE KEEPER, also a nominee for a Stoker for First Novel, in the Dealers Room at the Toronto Marriott (the con hotel) on Friday at noon (HWA booth).

- A mass autographing on Friday night, 8-10, in Ballrooms A-B.

- A panel at 11 am Sunday morning, YOUNG BLOOD, NEW WRITERS TO LOOK OUT FOR, with Michael A. Arnzen, Sarah Langan, Violette Malan, and Sarah Pinborough, in Ballroom C.

- And of course I’ll be at the Stoker Awards Banquet on Saturday night - The Harrowing is a nominee for Superior Achievement in a First Novel.

And then all that partying. I mean, working.

I have to say that packing for a horror convention is more fun than packing for mystery conventions. You get to throw in that red velvet corset, those dominatrix boots, the Victorian opera coat, that fishnet – thing. Because, well, you just never know...

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