I'm heading to AuthorFest in less than a month, June 14th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm to be exact. It's at the Schuamburg Twp. District Library in Schaumburg, IL, and it promises to be an interesting day. I'll get to meet some old friends, face some people I've "met" online, and talk about writing. What could be better?
There are four panels: Romance: What's Selling and How to Write It
Secrets to Writing Pulse-Pounding, Page-Turning Mysteries
Power Networking Session: Agents, Publishers, PR Reps.
Websites, Blogs, Conferences and All That Jazz
And an advice session on e-publishing romance
In addition there are book sales and signing opportunities, of course.
This is a day for writers and fans to get together, and it's at a location I love (Chicago area). If you're close, c'mon over and meet some friendly mystery and/or romance authors! Or check it out beforehand at http://www.gottawritenetwork.com/Authorfestparticipants2008.html
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