I know this space is supposed to be for true crime- But I just had to share something that happened to me about an hour ago.
I was sitting at my desk on my back deck and doing research for my book and building my page here when guests arrived.
That in itself is not something out of this world.However, what transpired was over the top.
Let me just digress. A couple of weeks ago a couple came to our house to see who had put up the portico on our front porch. I told them our son had done it. They wanted to have one installed so I gave them his number. In the meantime I told them I was a published author.
Ana the wife wanted to know what I had written. I told her about the first book Stan's Story, A Touch of Love and then I told her about Tangled Minds. I also told her about From the Shadows and the two that will be released soon. Brilliant Insanity a novel about a serial killer and Silent Scream a true crime about Gerard Schaefer the first serial killer here in Florida during the late 1960's and early 1970's.
She said she was going home and look up my sites. She not only did that she told her thirteen year old daughter. Long story short Ana ordered Tanged and Shadows for her daughter.
Kristen her daugher wanted to come and get her books signed. So tonight they showed up at my house. Kristen and her friend Danielle with Ana. I have to tell you until you have been asked persmission by a thirteen year old girl to spend some time in your company - you have no idea how humbling that can be. Not only that Kristen wanted her books signed and Danielle brought a piece of notebook paper for my autograph.
People, let it never be said that children are not our future. We spent three hours talking. They asked me alot of wonderful questions. Thoughtful questions. They amazed me. They listened to me. They offered insite and wonder to my day. To say I was humbled is an understatement. I can't explain how I felt. I was honored. I was beyond words.
They didn't want to leave. They wanted to stay and talk. I told Ana, Kristen's mom they were welcome anytime to talk.
They and those like them are our future. We need to invest in them. They made my weekend.
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